Had another play with this coloured s**t today

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When it rains I go inside and work if I feel like it lol. I don't like mono tho it's pure s**t. Electrician Asked me yesterday is that stuff good. I just said I'd not put it on my own house. He walked off laughing.
Yeah but it would look s**t on a castle. I think like owt it looks ok it done right.
Gonna do top half of my house when I get time and money. But gonna donit kn a stupid colour so it stands out so people know I owned my house as 80 percent are council
Yeah but it would look s**t on a castle. I think like owt it looks ok it done right.
Gonna do top half of my house when I get time and money. But gonna donit kn a stupid colour so it stands out so people know I owned my house as 80 percent are council
It's the algae that puts me off it. Loves the mono it does. And the mono sealer only works for a few extra years. If I was building a house I'd put brick or stone as a finish.
It's the algae that puts me off it. Loves the mono it does. And the mono sealer only works for a few extra years. If I was building a house I'd put brick or stone as a finish.
Got it round bottom of my garage. I do what some one said on here now and use stop beeds at bottom instead of drip
Lol that was one of my smaller hits. Ritmo power. Did 2 gables the day b4 about 130m2 in it. Am f**k*d didn't get up to go back in today lol. We did that with 2 of us. Had my mates kid to bag the machine tho. Then sent him home. We need to get a other man that is a plasterer or half a one that can jump in the help out out.
where you get half a man from?
Tidy that pal,nice bit of doe in that front panel
It's what we do. Try to make as mush as we can so we can slow down in winter or not even work. We can average about 100m2 a day plus a day beading on site. I went back on site as I was pissed off running around doing 1 off private buildings. Should have went back on site long ago tbh.. I'll still do the odd one off house tho.
That is shocking work
Scruffy set up from the word go!
Everything wromg about it