Jobbing the UK this winnter


Well-Known Member
Need a change this winter I'm going to travel a bit whith work. Chester Manchester Liverpool mid Wales somewhere 2 to 4 hours from me in bangor North Wales. Il only be working Thursday Friday Saturday. Indoor work only. Must be able to accommodate if money good premiere in wil do Just need a change more than anything before I pack it in in 8 years not wishing my life away thanks
Need a change this winter I'm going to travel a bit whith work. Chester Manchester Liverpool mid Wales somewhere 2 to 4 hours from me in bangor North Wales. Il only be working Thursday Friday Saturday. Indoor work only. Must be able to accommodate if money good premiere in wil do Just need a change more than anything before I pack it in in 8 years not wishing my life away thanks

Do it mate, but 2hrs away isn't exactly an adventure is it?

Done a cottage up in the western isles a couple of years ago. Loved it.

Go over to the isle of man or something.
Do it mate, but 2hrs away isn't exactly an adventure is it?

Done a cottage up in the western isles a couple of years ago. Loved it.

Go over to the isle of man or something.
No don't whant be to far. Got kids whant see them grow up just whant a couple of days. When they grow up I mite think about that..
Need a change this winter I'm going to travel a bit whith work. Chester Manchester Liverpool mid Wales somewhere 2 to 4 hours from me in bangor North Wales. Il only be working Thursday Friday Saturday. Indoor work only. Must be able to accommodate if money good premiere in wil do Just need a change more than anything before I pack it in in 8 years not wishing my life away thanks
Been doing that , in old Windsor this week , shame about the rain , moneys great , no domestic chores to get in the way , its like being on holiday
Might as well just potter round the garden and f**k work off completely now! Sounds like you've lost the plot already!
Is that a joke working in the garden and I've just lost my plot. Your a wasted talent m8 you should go on Britons got talent like a comedian
Because I like where your heads at.

To think that someone is going to just give you work, on your terms on certain days and pay your f**k**g hotel bill is bat s**t crazy.
Tbf there’s loads of guys out there that think that way , cousin met one three weeks ago , he wanted work which cousin sorted , he had no car no tools as such just a trowel etc , and asked for a pay rise after the first week
Because I like where your heads at.

To think that someone is going to just give you work, on your terms on certain days and pay your f**k**g hotel bill is bat s**t crazy.
Well put it like this m8 not many good plastrers about if you are desperate for a hand say big 30ft ceiling you would ask some one to jump on it. So in my eyes ther plenty of od days you can give some one a hand.
Well put it like this m8 not many good plastrers about if you are desperate for a hand say big 30ft ceiling you would ask some one to jump on it. So in my eyes ther plenty of od days you can give some one a hand.
Yeah but how there gonna find you in Liverpool, Manchester ect are they just gonna think hang on there's a guy in Wales who we can get in for a couple of hours!! Like a supersub of the plastering nice :LOL:
Yeah but how there gonna find you in Liverpool, Manchester ect are they just gonna think hang on there's a guy in Wales who we can get in for a couple of hours!! Like a supersub of the plastering nice :LOL:
Would be nice woudent m8... But I'm just saying if some one whant a hand for 3 4 days ther plenty of work out ther. And if we'll recommended y can you be that super sub becouse in my eyes good plastrers are dying out..
Would be nice woudent m8... But I'm just saying if some one whant a hand for 3 4 days ther plenty of work out ther. And if we'll recommended y can you be that super sub becouse in my eyes good plastrers are dying out..

There's an average to s**t plasterer on every road around my area!!!
There's an average to s**t plasterer on every road around my area!!!
Yes but good and s**t are dying out becouse not many taking apprentice on like they use to. And most of the young generation are fuked after one day of hard graft but ther OK if ther a lap top I phone in front of them