Plasterers wanted

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Hi everyone, my name’s Carol
I’m looking for some plasterers in the Swindon area. Anyone looking for a start ?
Transport & CSCS cards would be a great advantage.
Hi call , not interested myself but be good for more details on the work involved and location of the nearest pub , chippy and bookies
Think of all those long sweaty nights you've had with thoughts of hand cream
Hi carolann,

I'm unable to private message you.I may be able to give you a free days,I have a small team of three.Should you still need someone please call 07719330726 alternatively if it number up I'll contact you.Thanks,rich.
Hi carolann,

I'm unable to private message you.I may be able to give you a free days,I have a small team of three.Should you still need someone please call 07719330726 alternatively if it number up I'll contact you.Thanks,rich.
Is your "small team of three" just two of you? Or maybe you're all just really ickle like @JessThePlasterer and myself?
Little Gang of Four at TPF Xmas party 2013, Beddy, Essex Andy, nisus and Flynny.
You are aware that blokes who want a high interest response on a forum pretend to be female ?
No I am definitely female, and have been involved in running a plastering company for the last 39 years.
I’ll admit i don’t know much about the processes apart from that it goes on walls, I’m the one that sits in the office and sorts all the wages, vat and general day to day but if anyone is interested then please leave a number and some one will be in touch.