Recycled decking for plasterers

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A few recreational gardeners amongst us , Worth a share if you have decking and it’s looking worse for wear , these are about 12 years old , look absolute dog turd on the grooved side , flipped them over to the smooth side quick jet wash and a quick oil , look good as new and nicer to walk on with bare feet , hopefully get another 10 years out of them
Tbh I was kinda rapping it as I started to oil, a pain on my knees looking at soil , the skies were blue as was doing work and bad back was feeling hurt , had chicken cooking to in the hob multitasking to get to the end of the job

Going bed now ready for the morning
I’ll be skimming all day it’s so boring
Tbh I was kinda rapping it as I started to oil, a pain on my knees looking at soil , the skies were blue as was doing work and bad back was feeling hurt , had chicken cooking to in the hob multitasking to get to the end of the job

Going bed now ready for the morning
I’ll be skimming all day it’s so boring

What’s this fool? A battle in rap?
Better stand back, sit down, take a nap!
Yo’ deckin be fly but you're in the wrong game
Rhyming s**t is my middle feckin name!
Put down your oil before you cause a slick
You’re a plasterer man
Go do some mothatrucking hits!