Sooty walls

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Depends how extreme, that stuff flies through the air. Seal up door, stiff brush and hoover. Baton and vapour barrier, wet wash it off . Lots of options, depends on severity I reckon
Depends how extreme, that stuff flies through the air. Seal up door, stiff brush and hoover. Baton and vapour barrier, wet wash it off . Lots of options, depends on severity I reckon
Depends how extreme, that stuff flies through the air. Seal up door, stiff brush and hoover. Baton and vapour barrier, wet wash it off . Lots of options, depends on severity I reckon
aint got any room for baton thought brush off best i can sbr and strong render
Go and get some cow dung and put it in a bucket. Add some water and mix it up quite wet.Then brush it over the soot to neutralise it.