Reboard Options


New Member
Evening All,

I have an ceiling that is beyond repair due to someone putting their foot through it and the house owner trying to replaster it themselves!! Its a right mess. Do to their attempts, it going to be difficult to simply overboard.

Ideally, I would rip the ceiling down, but is been tested as positive asbestos aertex.

I was wondering if it could be battened with some 22mm battened so not to loose to much hight, but to bring the reboard past the poor surface, and not have to rip down the asbestos aertex?
Yes you can do that but you may find the ceiling isn’t level or straight so you may need some shims when battening it
Metal frame suspended ceiling. Have done it loads of times it's fast and probably cheaper in materials than timber. Will lose approx. 10cm.
Surprising what you can get away with an overboard though..there is always the option to dub out afterwards. Unless the ceiling is very uneven and literally falling down...bulging extensively it would be an overboard for me.
Not a Pretty Thing


  • Reboard Options
    136.9 KB · Views: 185
Evening All,

I have an ceiling that is beyond repair due to someone putting their foot through it and the house owner trying to replaster it themselves!! Its a right mess. Do to their attempts, it going to be difficult to simply overboard.

Ideally, I would rip the ceiling down, but is been tested as positive asbestos aertex.

I was wondering if it could be battened with some 22mm battened so not to loose to much hight, but to bring the reboard past the poor surface, and not have to rip down the asbestos aertex?
That's not beyond repair
He’s earning double what you earn plus your benefits.


I won't get out of bed for less than £300 rate £250 and make £50 on some profit on mats...rendering £450 a day and £50 on lab.
Sometimes you get a really decent client - just had a job that turned out to be much harder than expected. Sweated and got it done but it took me nearly twice as long, but invoiced him the agreed price - and he paid me an extra £275.
He didn't have to and I didn't ask him, but I really appreciate that. I was feeling a bit crap at how my estimate didn't work out, and its given me a bit of a lift.