just to say hello

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Hi joe and welcome were you from and how much is sausage and egg on a barm with brown sauce and a brew in your cafe?
ive moved to cleethorpes and its a bread bun lol asked for pudding chips peas and gravy the other day and they didnt know what a pudding was WTF (and its not simple before any smarty pants butts in)
aaaaaaaaaah the old polish cabbage rolls with bacon and sausage with brown sauce and a cup a tea hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
chip batch with curry now that im living down here but in Whitehaven it was always a teacake and no the havnt got fukkin currants in them
steve_cov_spread said:
where you from phil?!! we're not alone!!
Originally from Wallasey, then moved to Liverpool but now living in Widnes coz the house price for a new build was £10,000 cheaper. There's a saying... My missus said "kiss me where it stinks" so i took her to widnes! ;D ;D ;D
PhilPlaster said:
steve_cov_spread said:
where you from phil?!! we're not alone!!
Originally from Wallasey, then moved to Liverpool but now living in Widnes coz the house price for a new build was £10,000 cheaper. There's a saying... My missus said "kiss me where it stinks" so i took her to widnes! ;D ;D ;D

mclean homes?
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