Is this something I can do myself


Hi my landlord had walls and ceilings covered with polystyrene sheets and tiles and I needed to decorate so took it all off….. walls aren’t good. So can see why he did it. Now I’m stuck making him pay for plastering of room which will up my rent I am sure. Or is there anything I can do myself that will make it still “ok” as it is going to be wallpapered in brick wallpaper as that is what son wants and a football mural on one wall. Apparently there isn’t damp. Guy come with damp meter and said wall is fine it’s the condensation that has got stuck between wall and sheets as there was 3 layers of it. There are cracks on ceiling. Or am I best just to take the rent increase and make him get it plastered.


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The rent doesn’t increase because the landlord has to carry out maintenance. He should be rectifying the room and not charging you for it, wish I could put rent up of my rental every time I done work in it.
I'm going to hazard a guess that that's not a cavity wall, and may get cold and have condensation issues (not because of the polystyrene, but before the polystyrene, which was likely added in an attempt to prevent warm air meeting the cold wall).

You probably should've asked your landlord before ripping off the polystyrene, but I can understand you not liking it.
Hi my landlord had walls and ceilings covered with polystyrene sheets and tiles and I needed to decorate so took it all off….. walls aren’t good. So can see why he did it. Now I’m stuck making him pay for plastering of room which will up my rent I am sure. Or is there anything I can do myself that will make it still “ok” as it is going to be wallpapered in brick wallpaper as that is what son wants and a football mural on one wall. Apparently there isn’t damp. Guy come with damp meter and said wall is fine it’s the condensation that has got stuck between wall and sheets as there was 3 layers of it. There are cracks on ceiling. Or am I best just to take the rent increase and make him get it plastered.
Just move out. You don't want to live in a house owned by a man who puts polystyrene tiles over that. It's the sort of thing a packy would do.
Just move out. You don't want to live in a house owned by a man who puts polystyrene tiles over that. It's the sort of thing a packy would do.
I'm going to hazard a guess that that's not a cavity wall, and may get cold and have condensation issues (not because of the polystyrene, but before the polystyrene, which was likely added in an attempt to prevent warm air meeting the cold wall).

You probably should've asked your landlord before ripping off the polystyrene, but I can understand you not liking it.
I asked him about it and he told me to get them off
Nice hey


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Sound that is mate just being a bit picky a quick sanding down all over and it will be alreet how much did he charge you to do the job by the way
Hi my landlord had walls and ceilings covered with polystyrene sheets and tiles and I needed to decorate so took it all off….. walls aren’t good. So can see why he did it. Now I’m stuck making him pay for plastering of room which will up my rent I am sure. Or is there anything I can do myself that will make it still “ok” as it is going to be wallpapered in brick wallpaper as that is what son wants and a football mural on one wall. Apparently there isn’t damp. Guy come with damp meter and said wall is fine it’s the condensation that has got stuck between wall and sheets as there was 3 layers of it. There are cracks on ceiling. Or am I best just to take the rent increase and make him get it plastered.
That room definitely isn't fit for habitation.
No it seems it’s just me that sees the issue. They feel it’s decent

Dawn, what are you hoping to accomplish, at this point?

They did bad work but you paid them for doing it.

I'm not excusing them and I'm not being unsympathetic to you - I'm simply asking you the question - apart from talking about it, here, what are you hoping to accomplish?

If you feel you want to pursue them through small claims court then you'd probably have a good chance of them ruling in your favour, because that work is definitely shocking, but, other than that, whatever those cowboy workmen tell you is obviously going to suit them rather than you, so their words are meaningless.

You either need to get it replastered properly or if you can't afford that, then you could apply copious amounts of EasiFill to the walls and then sand it (ideally, with a random orbital sander hooked up to an industrial dust extractor - ask at your local hire shop). It's not the best solution (it should be replastered properly) but EasiFill applied copiously and then properly sanded could get you a passable result, as a compromise solution. Having said that, it's a bit too big an area, really, to try to fudge it with EasiFill. I'm just trying to give you some sort of option if you cannot afford to pay a decent plasterer to dig you out of the hole you now find yourself in.

Easi fill 60.jpg

Refina 20 inch 500mm spatula  228044.jpg
Dawn, what are you hoping to accomplish, at this point?

They did bad work but you paid them for doing it.

I'm not excusing them and I'm not being unsympathetic to you - I'm simply asking you the question - apart from talking about it, here, what are you hoping to accomplish?

If you feel you want to pursue them through small claims court then you'd probably have a good chance of them ruling in your favour, because that work is definitely shocking, but, other than that, whatever those cowboy workmen tell you is obviously going to suit them rather than you, so their words are meaningless.

You either need to get it replastered properly or if you can't afford that, then you could apply copious amounts of EasiFill to the walls and then sand it (ideally, with a random orbital sander hooked up to an industrial dust extractor - ask at your local hire shop). It's not the best solution (it should be replastered properly) but EasiFill applied copiously and then properly sanded could get you a passable result, as a compromise solution. Having said that, it's a bit too big an area, really, to try to fudge it with EasiFill. I'm just trying to give you some sort of option if you cannot afford to pay a decent plasterer to dig you out of the hole you now find yourself in.
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I used pay for goods or services via bank. But while the wall is still wet I think it doesn’t show the issues and bad work so much. So it looked fine. I have posted as I hoped I would have advice on if I’m being over picky or if it is a bad job. As I know nothing about plastering so don’t want to look like I’m moaning over nothing. So thought getting advice from plasterers will help me a bit to know way forward, simple things I would of expected to be done like loosen the plugs to plaster behind but again I am not sure if I’m ott. Or I’m correct that it’s a crap rushed poor job. One of them come back today and rubbed work down and filled bits with some filler stuff but said can’t do nothing about plug socket areas as it’s too hard to get too?? I call bs on that so they are still rough feeling and looking . So I hope I can get advise on a way forward


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I used pay for goods or services via bank. But while the wall is still wet I think it doesn’t show the issues and bad work so much. So it looked fine. I have posted as I hoped I would have advice on if I’m being over picky or if it is a bad job. As I know nothing about plastering so don’t want to look like I’m moaning over nothing. So thought getting advice from plasterers will help me a bit to know way forward, simple things I would of expected to be done like loosen the plugs to plaster behind but again I am not sure if I’m ott. Or I’m correct that it’s a crap rushed poor job. One of them come back today and rubbed work down and filled bits with some filler stuff but said can’t do nothing about plug socket areas as it’s too hard to get too?? I call bs on that so they are still rough feeling and looking . So I hope I can get advise on a way forward
The plastering is dreadful, get a decent, recommended decorator in and he will sort it for you.