Historical pointing job today


Private Member
Historical pointing job today
Nah, Rope belay around the stack and a plank, Fred Dibna style. Standing on the plank you can get to point the sides much easier.
I redo the flaunching and replace pots but turn down pointing, it's a PIA and bores me to tears.
Nah, Rope belay around the stack and a plank, Fred Dibna style. Standing on the plank you can get to point the sides much easier.
I redo the flaunching and replace pots but turn down pointing, it's a PIA and bores me to tears.
Your joking, I do loads. Rebuild or re point, or take down the loose rebuild and point the full stack, always have a fixed scaffold though
Always sick a penny, your name and the year in the flaunching too
Historical pointing job today
Historical pointing job today
Your joking, I do loads. Rebuild or re point, or take down the loose rebuild and point the full stack, always have a fixed scaffold though
Always sick a penny, your name and the year in the flaunching too
View attachment 64668View attachment 64669
Nice job Tom, and a decent amount of cement in the mix, not like the roofers lean brick mortar mix. I don't do it because it's too much for my bod hauling the weight of stuff up and down, even with help. I might re-lay a couple of loose courses but that's about it.
Nice job Tom, and a decent amount of cement in the mix, not like the roofers lean brick mortar mix. I don't do it because it's too much for my bod hauling the weight of stuff up and down, even with help. I might re-lay a couple of loose courses but that's about it.
Thanks I do my flaunching in 2 mixes a semi dry to get the rough shape then another wetter to get the finish, prevents cracking.
It’s a 4 to 1 mix with either grit or plastering sand whichever is on the van at the time