Did I do it right?

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Ok so theres no manual to download for my EZE24 so I just went in blind and changed the mixing shaft....but did I do it right?

Unbolted the motor to expose the shaft
Did I do it right?

Around the shaft was about a centimetre gap that was filled with what I thought was old mono...but I'm pretty sure it was some kind of friction putty...it was soft and smelled of grease.

Did I do it right?

Anyhow I cleaned it all out, greased up the new shaft and popped it in.
Then I thought about the 'putty' which I had no idea about so I packed it all back in...right or wrong??

I've given it a quick test and all seemed to be working fine...
Thought you was gonna say did i do right making john put all that k rend on drive for me to change me mind so he had to put it away lol
Should just pack it with new grease in my opinion. Hope that helps.
Confused me tho because this wasn't grease...i did grease the shaft before putting it in but this was semi solid gunk.
If I knew what it was I'd put new in.