big trowels

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I think it depends more on the type and the amount of work you are doing on a daily basis , RSI will come to us all at some point its just the nature of the business we are in , individually some may get it within 5 years or not have any trouble for 25 years that's the luck of the draw . Ive got my opinion of large trowels and i would never use one , Bruce you've just got to work it out for yourself mate . I look at it like this , the body is only a type of engine the harder you work it the quicker it starts to break down .
I use a 13x5 and find this comfortable to use.

Will this cause me problems then?
Repetitive strain will happen at some point Sara , i lot depends on how hard you work on a daily basis , the bodies joints and tissue needs to recover and repairs itself from consent over use , due to the nature of the business you don't get enough rest causing RSI in future life , Ive seen my share of orthopedic constants and that's what they all say any way .
I fractured my wrist when I fell through a gap .... didnt know I done any damage for a few weeks then it was too late the doc said its healed badly and thats that....luckily its my left wrist however I got tennis elbow before I went travelling and that was bloody painful!

I started wearing a copper bracelet with magnets in it and it helped me a lot!

I started using a 16 Marshall town on board work and I love it! I mean its fantastic and it trowels really nice...

That's right danny, I broke my right hand last year & it's healed
bad, little finger sticks out & pains not gone away ;D
It's been 8months since i broke it.
And now i got another prob think i need a carpal tunnel op on same hand.
I've put up with it for months now as i usually just get on with it,
but i'm stuggling like fcuk holding the trowel especially last trowel.
It's like there's no strength in me right hand. (no it's not wank3rs cramp) ;D

Might see if there's any jobs in asda ::)
yeah that sucks!

I get bad headaches staring at a screen all day but I managed to suss how to stop it..... have a nap in the

i broke my finger about 3 months ago and it still gives me jip if i knock it. thats what you get for going in dry....
Ive used a 20" trowel for the last 7 years ive had tennis elbow in my right arm had an injection and its gone away (sometimes it twitches) ive started getting a bit in my left elbow but not as bad but take into account ive been at it over 20 years. The way i look at it is i do less trowels using this trowel so its got to be less wear and tear on the elbow.
Agree with flynnyman.
A bigger trowel if used correctly will cut down on the amount of strokes
you do. One of my lads uses a smaller trowel and even though theres not much in it
speed wise i do a wall in less strokes. So in an average day he could do a couple of hundred
more strokes meaning into the thousands more per week and possibly hundreds of thousands per year.
Saying that im still f.ooked! wrist,shoulder,neck and lower back. The copper magnet bracelets have
worked for me in the past, dont know if its pschological or what.
personally i have had probs carpell tunnel in right hand locking joints fatague aching in wrists and neck especially.had injections to no avail i tried both large and big trowels.personnally i think you have to apply more pressure to a larger trowel as there obviously more steel running across the suface area so to get it flat more pressure needed.
I use 14" to lay first coat on quickly,then 11" to second coat and trowel up and polish with.
I started with 13x5 and still use one now for most, i have had bigger trowels but am most comfortable with the 13 so i personally stick with that but i do use a 14 for hardwall but go back to the 13 for sand and cement but i don't think that every one should go by that i would say use what you personally feel comfortably with :)
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