aches pains

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New Member
iv had a killer week so far and am finding it reali hard to ever trowl up celings and i have a 7x4 artex 2 do on friday..any tips on halpin with the aches and pains?
few warm up excersises helps mate, athletes do it before a race, good stretch, roll the shoulders, might feel a t**t but it helps..
good massage works wonders too..
and ibuprofen, 2 or three with your maccy d breakfast..
and if it gets real bad just have a day off if you can slot one in, lets your body recover, its like training, you need rest days...
wait till you hit 30 odd or more... you think this is bad? ;D
my finigers as stiff my right arm is hurtin i cant even lift a cup off tea..i messed up a last wall at work to day ..i mixed up 2 bags hit it all on and then they went off ! bad bag! i couldt reali recover from it just got it all flat but loads of misses and marks ,..ganna go bk and easy fill later on..they were nice people probly wouldt ever say but i gota sort over worked! and bad bags dont help! o yea plus i joined the gym this week! red packet behind counter parcetamo1/codeine...effefesent tablet..dont get hooked and never before you can do damage their pretty strong.
weight training and plastering do not go hand in hand.....i swim ...seems to loosen everything back up...bit G** tho
streching does me in too....strech to far when im plastring i can feel it that night bigtime
best excersise that phippsy, my physio recommended i get on it to strengthen my back up cos it puts no strain on your joints..
also told me 'work smart, not hard' and when you think about it while your actually on the job it simply means get your body a bit closer to your trowel, dont be stretchin for corners and skirting lines and stuff.. i find its that that f;cks me up..
i always did swimming...was my sport when younger...right into it......then started smoking...alcohol...loose women..ditched it.......but since plastering found it loosened me neck up and helped with aches and pains....try and go mondays and thursdays...bang out a mile in 35 mins normally.....sauna. then .steam room......think weights are boring....used to like to box...but dont wanna stress me arm out anymore just in case....runnings hideous..swimming it is..dont matter how much shites happening in your world get in the pool silence......all good..think i might fill up the basement with water tonight i need a swimlol...soveriegn chemicals said their productys had a water tight guarantee O0
Wait til you pass 50 mate, 17yrs playing prop forward and loads of heavy weight training knackered a lot of my joints. You just got to get on with it. I am still fairly strong for my age but my plasterer is 58 and jumps about like a 30yr old and will work with the best.
Ime a qualified personal fitnees trainer and ide go along with what has been said, swimmimg and stretching though their is nothing wrong with weights but keep the weights lower and the reps higher a proffessional massage is also helpfull. If you have a specific joint of muscle problem it is best to seek advice before embarking on a exercise regime. Although plastering is a physical job you tend to use only certain parts of the body hence repetive strain injurys, when you get these your body tries to compensate using other parts to help you get through the day which just throws it all out of bonk. An exercise programme designed specificly for you can help balance the body.If you want to go down the drug route ask your doctor for Voltarol which is Diclofenic but it must be taken with a stomach protector you will feel 18 again in a week but dont use them habitualy.
yeh my physio reckons that 50% of my back problem is cos i got flat feet!
told me about a footballer who kept getting headaches..
turned out he had an achilles heel problem!
I get real bad head aches , wife rekons its cos my knob is so large that when i get an erection all the blood rushes from my head to my knob, what do you think ;) ;)
warriorupnorth said:
I get real bad head aches , wife rekons its cos my knob is so large that when i get an erection all the blood rushes from my head to my knob, what do you think ;) ;)
I know what your saying except i pass out when i get a boner ;D ;D ;D
cheer up luscious, sounds like you need a stress busting swim ;D
lucius said:
Ime a qualified personal fitnees trainer and ide go along with what has been said, swimmimg and stretching though their is nothing wrong with weights but keep the weights lower and the reps higher a proffessional massage is also helpfull. If you have a specific joint of muscle problem it is best to seek advice before embarking on a exercise regime. Although plastering is a physical job you tend to use only certain parts of the body hence repetive strain injurys, when you get these your body tries to compensate using other parts to help you get through the day which just throws it all out of bonk. An exercise programme designed specificly for you can help balance the body.If you want to go down the drug route ask your doctor for Voltarol which is Diclofenic but it must be taken with a stomach protector you will feel 18 again in a week but dont use them habitualy.

thank you

I took a fall through a spiral staircase gap and tried catching myself but fooked my left wrist, didnt think it was too bad until a week later and i was agony. went to the hospital said that I may have fractured it, too late now!! Should have gone asap b ut hey ho.

The next thing was tennis elbow man that hurts and well I stopped using my 16 Trowel to trowel up and dropped to my 13 this helped no end I also wear a copper bracelet with magnets in and have an ecoflow in a sweat band that I wear at night and touch wood I have had no problems.

I work smart, I pay someone else to do the big stuf....he he he


PS should have gone quacks sooner I know
yeah i got tennis elbow really bad i got some heat rub and put it on in morning and again at night it works ok i supose easies the pain a little bit
My this is an old thread, i did post something on tennis elbow a long time ago so worth trying search for it dont know how you do it on this forum but going back to first post Oasis if your suffering at your age best get out of the game now or become a big boss and just point the finger.
anyone tried one of them tens machines? lloyds pharmacies are doing them cheap at the mo.
kebab king said:
Speed works well, and it gives a boner for ages.
leaves me horny as fcuk but limp as an old lettuce leaf...
Really, used to find it the oposite, pop 1 when my misses fancys a jump.Thats the only way i can get a hard on these days.
phippsy333 said: red packet behind counter parcetamo1/codeine...effefesent tablet..dont get hooked and never before you can do damage their pretty strong.
weight training and plastering do not go hand in hand.....i swim ...seems to loosen everything back up...bit G** tho
streching does me in too....strech to far when im plastring i can feel it that night bigtime

I've been weight training for a few years, and I seriosly reckon plastering affects my gains, after doing 2-3 sets then comeing to hit the weights, when your already acheing from the days plastering. I have to do it straight away, before I stifen up.

But I reckon your right, I would need to eat like f**k, and there's no time if skimming flat out all day, and sweating like f** my back.

And I haven't evan been busy, god knows if I was doing it 5-6 days a week.
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