A sad day


Well-Known Member
Iv just thrown my permashape at the labourer and broke the corner off, absolutly gutted had that trowel 14 years most used tool I own.
so I need a new trowel iv used my labourers new permaflex and it wasn’t the same as mine, it felt thinner.
whats everyone using now start to finish?
Iv just thrown my permashape at the labourer and broke the corner off, absolutly gutted had that trowel 14 years most used tool I own.
so I need a new trowel iv used my labourers new permaflex and it wasn’t the same as mine, it felt thinner.
whats everyone using now start to finish?
Serves you right for losing your temper.do not use any sort of flex start to finish unless your going for the Atlantic ocean look
Iv just thrown my permashape at the labourer and broke the corner off, absolutly gutted had that trowel 14 years most used tool I own.
so I need a new trowel iv used my labourers new permaflex and it wasn’t the same as mine, it felt thinner.
whats everyone using now start to finish?
Stop fannying about and just get another Permashape. Take the handle off your old one and put it on the new one.

Your welcome.
True, just ordered one
Just got a brand new en today for 25 quid ye could of had. Dont even need it.. customer garage was like a tool shop
A sad day
A sad day
A sad day
A sad day
A sad day
@Tinytom please don't listen to all this nonsense about 'not losing your rag', utter b*ll***s. Just make sure you've got something heavy to throw that doesn't damage easily. A lath hammer is ideal and frightens f**k out of labourers.
@Tinytom please don't listen to all this nonsense about 'not losing your rag', utter b*ll***s. Just make sure you've got something heavy to throw that doesn't damage easily. A lath hammer is ideal and frightens f**k out of labourers.

Well I suppose it’s a talking point. f**k*d his best trowel though.