Your Own Plastering Website

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Hello everybody,

I am doing a limited offer I will design a site for your plastering business for £250

This will include -------> domain name
7 page website similiar to
2 years hosting

this is then total costing of £10-41 a month

Then after the two years the domain name will be renewed @ £10 for further two years and hosting will continue at £5 a month.

I am only offering this to 10 individuals at this price

I get a lot of enquiries through my site and has already paid for itself 100 fold.

PM me if your interested or have any questions

All the best

Danny said:
Hello everybody,

I am doing a limited offer I will design a site for your plastering business for £250

This will include -------> domain name
7 page website similiar to
2 years hosting

this is then total costing of £10-41 a month

Then after the two years the domain name will be renewed @ £10 for further two years and hosting will continue at £5 a month.

I am only offering this to 10 individuals at this price

I get a lot of enquiries through my site and has already paid for itself 100 fold.

PM me if your interested or have any questions

All the best

you do wordpress templates?
looks good is that 10- 41 a month on top of £250 might have to break down and get one now my other venture has collapsed prob is 30 years and not one photo and that incudes some top jobs never needed to advertise before i do now tho
just a quicky on the old advertising ive had a 1 liner running in local rag and must say its been ok not brill but cost 903 for a month and had about a grands worth so not bad
rockhardsolidplastering said:
looks good is that 10- 41 a month on top of £250 might have to break down and get one now my other venture has collapsed prob is 30 years and not one photo and that incudes some top jobs never needed to advertise before i do now tho
wasn't it a chip shop off your in laws? That a no go then?
pet shops my house sale fell thru again cant keep in laws from retiring been up for sale for 2 1/2 years droped price to way below what i paid they have a buyer ive told them too take it
this is an old thread!


I charge £280 now and then in 2 years only hosting and domain name fees willl apply


PS yep I can do wordpress
yep i think ill do it cant hurt can it now i just need to nick some photos who s was it on here that someone else used lol i dont even av a digi camera have to get mi ar se in gear
rockhardsolidplastering said:
yep i think ill do it cant hurt can it now i just need to nick some photos who s was it on here that someone else used lol i dont even av a digi camera have to get mi ar se in gear

it was a plasterer in cov, not me might i add. he was using oasis' pictures so i told oasis and he rang him up and had him take them off.
all the lads that don`t have a website,but are thinking of getting one.don`t think as soon as your website is up and running, the work will come flooding in.
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