Young College Kids!

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what the ************* do they teach them? took a kid on the other day more qualified than me maybe even been into plastering loner than me.. but couldn't mix up clean kit or even lay on with out dropping it every time or even get a finish worth having?
aye them college bunch think they know it all and are used to throwing the stuff about as its only the college workshop theyre making a mess of and a quick scrape up at the end of the day and jobs a goodun (tho the ammount they scrape up is unreal) i myself am still at college but i always work cleanly and i rarely have much tidying up to do at the end of the day, quick scrape, scoop with the shovel, quick swipe asif i were playing hockey to distribute the dust in the general direction of one of the skips and im away.

but as for 85% of the group... they are dropping the stuff left right and centre and go home spreading more meterage on themselves than on the walls (well not quite.. :P ) always been taught from the start to work cleanly and not be a dick, some listen most dont unfortunately ::) said this before and i'll say it again, i really do think out of 18 or so in our group only 4 maybe 5 will actually plaster for a living, the rest will just decided what to do next as they are either useless or just too young and stupid
Got to say I was s**t hot at college ;D, I spent most of my time tiling as passed all the plastering stuff they gave me then again I am some boy ;)
mr oasis.this unfortunetly is the standard throughout the uk at the moment.i know reading post on the site how guys feel towards those of us that are time served craftsmen,i say craftsmen because thats what we are i was five years learning this trade,and a further two years supervised with a master craftsman before been allowed to carry out work to the standard however it seems you get a piece of paper saying your a plasterer then go out and learn with no supervision or standard to work to.for most that work in the industry today i think within 10 years if you are lucky you will find it very difficult to make a living its simply going to be swomped with short college course /training courses. i must stress i am talking about guys that just do the standard float /set gypsum know better than i.are their seriousley guys out there that can do short courses and honestleybelieve they are craftsmen/plasterers.
just fort some how that i was on to a winner.. fort yea best lab ill ever have! i started finkin less layin on for me! lol no back to hard days work with a good lad mixing and cleanin .. ah well works well for me at the mo
oasis said:
just fort some how that i was on to a winner.. fort yea best lab ill ever have! i started finkin less layin on for me! lol no back to hard days work with a good lad mixing and cleanin .. ah well works well for me at the mo
you should listen to your uncle segs...
what did i post about takin on people.. put em on the trowel before you teach em to lay on..
As I was just driving through town tonight I saw a big sign advertising polish plastering .... I can assure you that sign will be gone by sat night and yes jeda we are swamped with these critters, fair play to some mind like mrspoon (is it mrs poon or mr spoon?) who work hard and willing to learn but most are chancers giving us a bad name.

As for learning we are all learning everyday well I know that most days I learn a new trick but how you can come out of a 5 day course and start advertising is beyond me, to be honest I find it insulting.

i feel like posting a big long philosophical post on all of the above but i dont think i can be arsed..
or need to
cheers boys i feel almost justified in my rants now ;D
ah i member wot u said segs...thing is i was expecting this uy to no more than me! started out plastering before me! more grades than me! so i fort yea nice easy day for me..nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i did let my best lab lay on a lil wall the other day .. he applied it like a polishing trowel up! had to stop there
college doesn't prepare you for the outside world atall really, well it does.. but as soon as you get to a customers house and have alsorts to contend with (sockets, light fittings, annoying dog, sheets, house boiling hot with heating on!) it all goes to pot, no ammount of college training will prepare someone to go work in someones house without hickups and this is proof of the pudding (the jam roly poly kind with custard ontop.. mmm)

im guessing hes dropping it everywhere cos he makes it too runny?
1st year only have to board and skim a wall, and 2 coat a wall both about 4/5m2 and a reverse cast.

Taught how to board and skim a ceiling, D&D a window wall, 2 coat on a window wall, rubbed up rendering, floor screed, make a template to run a reverse mould and take a cast from it and put it up, this is the 2nd year.

All depends on how much effort you put in on how good you are.
according to my lecturer the first year didnt even involve doing any plastering other than cutting some board and putting it on a wall etc, but we did the 2nd year stuff from the first week (kept quiet from the college heads and whoever else) as a year of doing pretty much nothing is just pointless, the whole of my second year has been practicing everything i learned in my first year apart from the fibrous stuff, coving and dabbing boards which was new to us in the 2nd year, tho id already gone out and done some d+d before it anyway.

must have been horrible doing hardly anything for a whole year :-\ ?
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