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The Lake Governor
Oi you lot, yes you lot, the 16 guests looking at the moment why don't you come out of the shadows and make yourseves known? Join and contribute.
no dont join cos its at least 16 more threads along the lines of what mix is best, can i 2nd coat with the same batch, what trowel is the best :-X
ive been a member on this site for about 2 years and there hasnt been many day's that have gone by were i havnt check the forum & was think to myself the other day........ i wonder how many more years....... i'll be signing on this forum before work & then straight after work friday and saturday nights. i think i need to get a life ha ha ha
in fact...... ive been on the forum all day and all night, 2 day. u dont get anymore hardcore than that.
i fractured a bone in my hand. im back in work on the 19th. ive been selling loads of stuff on ebay and made £150 so far ''every little helps''
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