You have to love domestic work.

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"Can you plaster the top half to cover the wires but dont put as much on the bottom or the units wont fit in."

Probably not nice to have laughed at her - but I couldn't help myself.
It's a joke sometimes to be fair. Had a so-called 'skimming only' job to price on a bathroom. When I got there the room was completely tiled with many of them literally falling off the wall. I asked them when it would be ready to skim (i.e. tiles removed and walls boarded) and the guy said can't you just skim over the tiles? >:(

It just rolls off their tongue. When you try to explain (in a nice way) what a stupid idea that is, they look at you like you're some rob-dog just trying to squeeze more money out of 'em ::)

I am a rob-dog for sure, but on this occasion I think I had a valid point ;D
spunkybum said:
hate to say it mate but you can skim over tiles
Not tiles that are literally falling off the walls mate and that's no exaggeration. I would like to see anyone try to skim these walls....besides, what would be the point? The guy was planning to re-tile some of the walls that he was asking me to skim. The bathroom wasn't very big to start with. You've got plaster, tile, more plaster and then more tile. Crazy imho ???
you can gypbond and skim them .........sorry mate missed the falling off bit :)
i skimmed 2 ceilings for this fella once and he asked me how i priced it up and i told him £6 a mtr plus materials.

he called me up a couple of months later to patch a doorway in that he had boarded and couldnt understand y i wanted £60 he really thought it wud just be about £15 cos it was only 2 mtrs :-[
I did a skimming hob a few years ago and they called me back because the wife didnt like the metal showing on the coin of the angle bead " can you just mix up a bit more and cover up the metal "

er ....... no.

Rich B
bloke asked me to plaster his dog for 50 quid once ..i did it ..but a call back cause he said it was a bit roughh
most annoying when u have cleand up put tools away tell them u have finished and the turn round and say coundnt just fill this little hole in for us it wont take u long
has anyone ever had the ere love ive got a couple of holes need filling ;)
ha there is an up side to day i priced £180 for half a days work and got a £20 tip before i was done!
need more of this work..paid cash aswell!
rough with the smooth one or the one after will be a right c**t... never feel guilty....never never never..
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