Working on your own

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Dont know about you guys but I hate working on my own, drives me insane, mind starts wandering and before I know it I think myself into all sorts of bothers!

Been working with another spread a lot recently as works quiet my way and hes quite busy, however we both been talking and obviously some time in the future both of us are going to be very busy with our own work, so much so itd be difficult booking in jobs with eachother..

now how would you go about it, knowing neither of you wants to work alone, how do you go about organising jobs together, without the hassle of having to turn away a lot of your own work due to being booked in on jobs with the other fella, and vice versa.

Is it gernally quite difficult to work constantly with someone else in this game, or is my best bet just finding me a labourer so I dont have to work on me own?

what do you guys do? obviosuly you site boys are always with other fellas, Im talking domestic game though!

i normally work on my own, but if i get bigger jobs in i call on another spread. he does the same, but recently works gone through the roof so we're pretty much an item. i've had labourers in the past but they just psis me off, texting and pulling faces when you tell em to sweep up, better off working as a 2 man gang imo
I work on my own all the time and wouldn't have it any other way, even re skimming a house next week stairwell in all, I'll do it on my own, hate relieing on other people like my brother.

Plus it's more money for me, might have a bunglow to render and tyrolean which I'm going to have a bash on my own, and proberly get my bro in to float the gables with me.

Fucks me off, he is so good at rendering, but not really intrested in it.

So I have to turn jobs down sometimes, because can't do them on my own!
I enjoy working on my own, can be hard work mind, I've just finished 65m2 render and tyrolean on me jacks, tell you what you know you've done a days work....up and down the scaffold with your gear!! ;D
s.p.t plastering said:
I work on my own all the time and wouldn't have it any other way, even re skimming a house next week stairwell in all, I'll do it on my own, hate relieing on other people like my brother.

Plus it's more money for me, might have a bunglow to render and tyrolean which I'm going to have a bash on my own, and proberly get my bro in to float the gables with me.

(french word)s me off, he is so good at rendering, but not really intrested in it.

So I have to turn jobs down sometimes, because can't do them on my own!

Why do you have to turn them down? I've done loads of full renders on my own panelled and rubbed up.
I work with a lab most of the time and have done for at least the last 15 yrs , and believe me they will drive you mad in the end ,especially if they are anything like "some" of the ones Ive had , but as my old man said its better to work with a idiot than no one at all , some spreads get on fine on there own and fair play to them , i suppose i will have to carry on getting my tools lost and make sure the idiots are sitting on the toilet the right way round cause you cant trust them .

During the War when i was labouring i was frightened to have a day off and if i ever ran them out of muck i had failed my job, so i use to "run " to try to keep up ,work into a tea break to get back in front of the spreads , now lads just want stand there looking into space and sending text messages and it pains me to pay them at the end of the week.
2 gang all the way..had a few was a scag was a small time dsrug dealer....if i have another one that does bad to me I'll lose my its a 2 gang all the way.....other fella is maticulas as me.....ex marine.../..loves to do a long day....its alll good....good to hear you boys are all getting busy
if ya working in a two man gang do the pair of you find your own work and share between or is one of you the "boss" so to speak who finds work and does most of the running around?

Im jsut finding it difficult working in with the other guy when both our jobs come in, and customers dont want to wait 3 months for the work, easier working on me own I suppose, just drives me mad!
essexandy said:
s.p.t plastering said:
I work on my own all the time and wouldn't have it any other way, even re skimming a house next week stairwell in all, I'll do it on my own, hate relieing on other people like my brother.

Plus it's more money for me, might have a bunglow to render and tyrolean which I'm going to have a bash on my own, and proberly get my bro in to float the gables with me.

(french word)s me off, he is so good at rendering, but not really intrested in it.

So I have to turn jobs down sometimes, because can't do them on my own!


I so want yo be able to do them on my own, but I though I read on here not to do them on your own, like if u was rendering a house getting the muck up and down and mixing.

Why do you have to turn them down? I've done loads of full renders on my own panelled and rubbed up.
Course you can do it on your own, it's about planning your time my friend and working smart. The biggest draw back I find about working on your own is the lack of trade talk, learning new things and sharing your knowledge with someone who gives a damn!! That's why the forum is a good place to hang out!
the only time i work on my own is if i'm doing a small cash job, and i hate it, i find it hard enough without the radio, let alone someone to talk to!
I have worked as a 2-1 gang for years I am just with the lab at the mo as we had to split up due to too much work on, he's been with us for 10-11 years on and off and knows the job inside out also lays on abit only trouble we get from him is every time he gets paid more than likely he dont turn up on a monday and tells us he is ill, bit funny how he gets ill every 2 weeks ;D
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