Working for relatives yes or no?

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Well-Known Member
Hello peeps! ;D New boy Al from West Cumbria here wid ma first contribution.. . . So, rellies - I've had good and bad experiences here, how about you lot?
same, most of em are all good as gold and insist on paying the going rate, mother in law is tight as nuns chuff though so i'm usually "busy" if she wants anything doing...
I find family ok as long as you select them carefully ie stay clear of the ones you know cant afford to pay. I find neighbours worse
NEIGHBOURS They only want you when they want to borrow things off you or ask for your advice on stuff then when they have a job to do they ask the local pikey.f**k em.
I know of a kitchen fitter who replaced his mums kitchen (when it didn't need doing) as a surprise for her whilst she was in hospital. Charged her full amount, no discount. Like a mug, I'm round my mums one day a week getting paid in tea and sandwiches
id do anything for family and close friends, but once they get funny the next time they want a favour they get the whole im busy now but in a few weeks then never bother.
When I do work for my nan I do it for free...

This way she'll leave me more money in her will ;)

Nah I don't like to charge family either but most times they'll say I'll pay you the going rate because if you don't do it I'll only have to pay someone else the full amount to do it, so I'd rather you do it!
But even then I'll knock it down so it's cheap.
Then when I'm actually doing the job I'm thinking WTF am I doing here for 5hit money ;D

Last job I did for the mother in law I said I'll finish it in a few weeks as I'm busy so she says I'll hold onto some of the money then to make sure you come back to finish it :o :o
Cheeky c**t >:(
Ha ha! Cheeky but right...........There's nowt worse than taking all the dosh before the jobs done - no incentive left, then other jobs come in, it gets put back a bit further and before you know it - YOU are the k*nt :D
i had this a couple of yrs back. was on a job with the brother in law. he was a dryliner by trade so i got him in to help me on a job in acton. he was with me for a couple of days. cant remember exactly but i paid him £150ish a day. then a week or so later my sister asks me to skim their bedroom. i said yep no probs. got stuck in and done it in a day. she said she insisted she pay me, and gave me £100. i couldnt help but feel they had got the better deal lol
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