work website

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New Member
hi guys anyone ever used ratedtrades or mybuilder to get work, maybe just another way to take money off those that work for a living :
Hello Mate
I use Ratedpeople which use to be called ratedtradesman until they changed it, never heared of the othe one. The way it works is you register with them then pay £40 a quarter and texts cost about £10 for 100, you decide how far you are willing to travel to a job; 10 / 20 miles or whatever then as soon as someone contacts the site looking for a plasterer that falls into your area, the site texts and emails the details of the job but not the clients details just say that someone wants a ceiling skimming etc, at this point all its cost you is the price of a text (10 pence) if you want to go for the job you call the number on the text or click on a symbol on the email, you are then charged from £5 - £11 depending on how big the job is, they only allow 3 people to quote on a job so its just the same as normal and its then up to you, they send you there details and you go and quote. I have had a lot of work from it thou its slowed down at the moment as everything has, you will get more jobs coming in if you live in a big city as opposed to a rural area and compared to other advertising its actually quite cheap. Hope that helps.
id be very surprised if this actually works as everyone ive spoken to apart from the chap that had previously repliued befor me has saiud that its th biggest load of nutts ever! complete waste of money but meh each to their own, if theres a trial then go for it, i certainly wouldnt be signing any dotted line
tenner a month - fine, tenner a job on top - forget it..domestic plasterin tends to be 1 day jobs, 2 days maybe, odd one is decent size, you can easy do 15 jobs a month...
Had a look at the site thought £10 quid per job aint bad average job worth £250 happy days.
looked further and found out its £10 to get a phone number sent to its to expensive.
Also imagine the time wasters you get off the internet ?????
wow!! a tenner a lead!! lovely!! right im off now to set up a rival site, get all the plumbers/sparkys signed up and then spend all day ringing up for bogus quotes from bogus addresses at a tenner a pop... :D
Seen a similar site called Not signed up but get emails for jobs in area, looks rather shitty, you quote the lowest price to get the job, then pay 6%+VAT (I think) of agreed price.

Wont be bothering with this site as after putting in LOWEST bid ya have to pay for privledge, capitalism at its best. >:(
so what were looking at here boys, is enterprise. Basically, theyre employment agencies BUT theyve craftily dodged out of actually having anyone 'on their books'...needs no building experience whatsoever cos all theyre doin is factoring phone numbers and details between customer and tradesman...they take no responsibility for the work either...
wonder if danny would be interested in setting up something similar...yer pays yer money, yer gets yer forum, yer links, and any job enquiries go to the bloke with the nearest postcode...
As with any advertising it just boils down to if it pays or not, I take on your points but for me its been good thou it has slowed down recently.
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