work lights

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New Member
Hi, Can anyone please settle an agruement for me. My mate says that working with Fluorescent lights with a diffuser is the best way to plaster - but I have always found that Tungsten halogen lighting is the best. The more answers I get the better so don't to shy.
I love using halogen but am yet to find a bulb that lasts more than 5 minutes. I find Fluorescent just doesnt give off enough light
common sense really. Use a flourescent and you can hardly see a thing at dusk or dawn, use a halogen and see plenty, if your mate says its better to see less then pat his back and tell him he is a lovely bloke but also a bit of a cretin
Whats this gotta do with machined why aint the mods lockingit down an moving it ..... **** it boys call in the SAS and have this fool taken out
i cant tell you mate very hush hush , you know its a bit like the KGB ( dont tell know one but not got a clue what im doing ):RpS_wink:
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