Work getting hard to get!

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New Member
Hows everyone else getting on ! I have few jobs coming up but quiet at minute, finding that i have to drop the prices a bit :( I see a bloke in our local paper stating hes giving prices from ten years ago , stupid c**t going to ruin for the rest of us! >:(
thing is..i dont think prices were all that different 10 years ago...long as he doesnt actually mention the price who's to know what he's actually charging...
in the window game a lot of lads are actually getting less now than when it went mad in the late 80's early 90's... mainly i think because a lot of em are young lads new to the game...
i used to get 30 quid a window nearly 15 years ago...
some companies are now paying a linear rate of around 4 quid a metre...on a metre square window thats 16 quid... you dont get many big windows in a house...
plastering after damp jobs was payin 6 quid a metre 8 years back... course theres a lot of variation...
not a bad gimmick if it draws in the punters... all depends on whether he's really doin it for next to nothin or whether its just bullshit...
if he is doin it for nowt though...then yeh, he's gonna f'ck it right up...
im quiet too at the mo...thats why im sittin here reading jobcentre plus and talkin bollox on jeremy kyle anyday :D
I hear wat your saying segs ;) I also agree jeremy kyle,d.n.a sh**e everyday is bad and loose women thats f**king head doing :-[
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