Wood or metal studs?

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Given the choice, do you specify wood or metal studs?

The traditional/carpentry side of me likes the 3x2 wood studs - got it in my mind that its the gold standard of walling.

The modern house bashing side of me says that metal studs must be the way forward 'cos all the contractors use them.

Know of problems with both systems but interested to hear the views/experiences of others.

Anyone ever sat down and done the sums on which is the most cost effective especially on one-off jobs? I've got it in my head that there ain't much in it but haven't done the sums as yet.

PS When metalling - crimping or jack point?
nelly said:
Most timber these days is the exact shape of a baboons arse!

Take you point nelly - but timber framing in new builds is really popular at the mo - must be something in that. I find cls is pretty good and well handled carcassing seems to be ok. I take it you a metaller!
No I dont really do any studwork that often mate.

What I am suprised at is that the standard of timber hasnt been adressed yet.
Anybody know where you can get decent crimps from other than refina, I think their sellin them at £50 a pop
wood every time. It is hard to get straight timber these days but at least even the worst timber can be played with. If you make a mistake at least it can be rectified without that length being waste. That tin s**t is crap, dont care what anyone says theres more work and less tolerence in it.
When i have used it i prefer to screw it but when time is important, which is 99% of the time i'd crimp it. However we got a pair of crimps at the time we needed them and they were £70!
Timber is defo best.
Metal all day long, its straight, light, cheaper and quicker and i havent seen crimps used for years.
I done metal stud and MF for about 5 years and metal stud all day long, its lighter, easier to store, doesnt bow,shrink, quicker to cut, less waste, similar price,doesnt matter if it gets wet, ive used crimps they are fine if you make a mistake you can kick it out but to be honest i dont screw or crimp and you will find some specs say dont screw of crimp coz of movement.
I dont either only some times the odd one on long walls when metalling only to stop the concertina effect if some bashes a stud.
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