will we be plastering in 10 years time?

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With regard to old stock houses there will be work as long as they are standing. New build regs as someone said changed again in Oct. For a wall to comply with new reg u values, a standard brick cav block plaster construction pretty much doesn't cut it. Even now. This means the construction method has to change. And it has already. Mostly insulated render systems. Even got a church round my way being built in polystyrene brickwork. Government has set further targets for CO2 emissions and sap ratings for 2016. Further by 2050 they want all new builds to be SAP 100+. This means the little energy they are allowed to consume will need to be over-produced by on site micro generation. The thermal mass of construction materials (kappa values) now also has to be taken into consideration.

The whole game is going to change over the next 10 years and IMO it will split off into a few different directions. There will always be a need for a spread and his/her trowel though. Will I still be doing it in 10 years? I f'@king hope not cos I gave it up last year to go to uni where they teach us all this stuff!!

To definitely have work and earn money in 10 years you will need to adapt. I for one have never done an insulated render but it will be needed. Y'all better start learning how to spread straw bale houses!!!
Just to further slightly (I know I'm boring you now...) Forgot to say under L1B (I think) renovations to properties have to adhere to regs too if more than 50% of the surface area of an individual element is being done. So if you render more than 2 external walls when 4 are visible then it will have to comply with u values etc.
thought it was 25% been discussed before but to be honest I havent been through the 2010 regs yet?
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