wickes bond it

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hi all just had a nightmare job. bedroom ceiling covererd in artex used wickes bond, it usually use 2 coats of pva.stirred it well and applied with roller night b4.when i started to apply first coat it started popping u could actually hear it and was leaving holes everywhere same when i flatted it 2nd coat the same but not as bad in the end had to apply 3 coats which got it spot on just took me a lot longer than usual just wondererd if any of you have ever had this happen cheers
i have used wba before but never with a roller did you get right in the artex and get a good coverage??? dont think this would make the plaster bubble and pop tho..??????????????????? :o
Ive had it before with wickes bonding agent. Thistle bond-it is a bit better i think. I never get problems with it, used it this week in fact. Colour is better as well!! :)
I like pink!!!!

Sounds to me like it wasn' fully sealed and staarted sucking where it wasn't sealed
weird? it sounds like air bubbles.. if that makes an sense? did you scrape the high spots off and wait for the first coat to pick up?
I like pink!!!!

Sounds to me like it wasn' fully sealed and staarted sucking where it  wasn't sealed
pinks much beta you can actually see were youve covered.ever heard of any 1 puttin food colouring in with there pva sposed to work?
I like pink!!!!

Sounds to me like it wasn' fully sealed and staarted sucking where it  wasn't sealed
pinks much beta you can actually see were youve covered.ever heard of any 1 puttin food colouring in with there pva sposed to work?

the labourer i used for a bit kept missing bits when he was pva ing so i put red food colour in it and the dopey ****** still missed bits ::)

Good little tip tho!
had this happen a few times on artex....with any PVA, I just let the first coat go off for a little while longer than normal and then 2nd coat is spot on...well most of the time but sometimes worth doing a tight 3rd coat
yeah nicksey scraped all the high spots of first only thing i can think is it wasnt sealed properly although it did seem well covererd was a wierd one :o ill still use wba and see how it goes next time. do u use a roller to apply it or brush?
I always roll it on, long pile roller mind.

I have however had it start popping but I dont worry just go on as usual!

do you have to scrape off the artex, as when i done my plastering coarse the instructors told me that the artex would act as a key,is this true or not.though i did do a ceiling the other week that was artex but i didnt srape it,i just skimmed it twice,didnt have no problems at all ? :-/
i always scrape of the high spots makes it a lot easier dont get any ugly white bumps poking through your finish then :)
jay 73

u need a floor scraper to get rid of the thicker bits of artex, and if the artex is really thick it needs a coat of carlite bonding on before you skim it
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