Why would you want a Machine in the first place

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Active Member
1, We all use a mixing machine of sorts
2, We would like a mixer that would make the same consistency every time
3, We would like to have that mixed material carried to the spot/up scaffold/up stairs for nothing all day
4, We would like to be able to get that mixed material on the wall with little effort
5, We all would like to be faster at the above than we are so we can earn more money
6, We do not want be doing this hard work the rest of our working lives.

The Plastering machine will assist you in all the above points, if you are serious about your plastering business where do you want it to be in the next 10 years.
we sprayed a 60m2 gable fri in 90mins what mess there was we could have put in one gorilla tub,
im thinking of going back on the tools and im taking my g4 with me and my ritmo ... easy money and i can take my brain out and just do the job and get paid..... yip he here i come
can i borrow some of the stuff from your brain when u dont need it, and i would also look in your memory bank for pictures of me julies snatch
technicianman said:
im thinking of going back on the tools and im taking my g4 with me and my ritmo ... easy money and i can take my brain out and just do the job and get paid..... yip he here i come

i would like to see that old man ;D ;D ;D ;D
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