who else is banned from big heads forum

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Im on here, uk spreads, and ebuild as well as registerd for lord and downing and never had a problem on any of them. (world champion profesional fence sitting champion 2007 2008 )
yup I got banned.... he told me that i didnt understand how hard it was to set up a forum....lol and web design....lol he had no idea who I was.

I have heard he has locked his forum from public now, it was desperatly quiet on there when I last looked.

my time was when it was me dregde and bigbud on their ........dredge suddenly posted a kkk avator and started goiing on about the smell of fried pig ..........i asked bb where mikespread had gone and he said plasterers forum fancy joining him.............so i told him and dredge what i thought of them and that was the end of me
im banned from ukspreads as i helped out a friend on their and let him use my account to voice his opinion ;D ;D ;D

im a member of lord and downing forum , ebuid and this one if you cant say what you want on a forum in case you upset someone then it aint wort being on there
banned. im glad. racist clown. i seen that kkk s**t and had a go. out of order. he prob belives in aliens and the new world order. f**k*r lives on the internet! let him be the king of his own sad little world!
joined there a while ago only been on half a dozen times if that,sounds a right w*nker to me,withdrawing membership asap, arsehole,probably ban me before i get to do it by the sounds of it
he is number 2 plastering forum nerd and i am number one plastering forum nerd, and he didnt like it so went on a quest which seem's be turning into a crusade..................... ::) lol
I'm saying nothing. Me Nicksey Mikeyspread and a couple of others had our issues some time ago.
BTW in case any one wonders Mikey is alive and well.
The man's a legend.
Got banned a couple weeks ago, so logged back in with monkeys login and posted some porn pics on a couple of threads. Funny as ....
dpbeds said:
I'm saying nothing. Me Nicksey Mikeyspread and a couple of others had our issues some time ago.
BTW in case any one wonders Mikey is alive and well.
The man's a legend.

Wonder if his still doing those police cells ? ;)
;D ;D........whats the matter with adding some good old porn to the mix were all consenting adults arent we ;)
Don't know what's the matter with the bloke. A blonde *********** would brighten up any forum.
church said:
dpbeds said:
I'm saying nothing. Me Nicksey Mikeyspread and a couple of others had our issues some time ago.
BTW in case any one wonders Mikey is alive and well.
The man's a legend.

Wonder if his still doing those police cells ? ;)

No he finished them tghough they took ages. Last I spoke to him he was in north london.
I'll have to give him a ring
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