When to use Fireboard ?

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As the title suggests lads, can someone tell me when I need to use fireboards ? I'm aware that steels and garage ceilings need to be done with them, but are there any other situations when they must be used ?

Only ask cos some chap is stalling on a quote I gave to tack and skim all the ceilings in a top floor flat he has bought - he seems to think that I should be using fireboard instead of the 12.5mm plasterboard I have quoted for. Is he right ?

Cheers Phil.
just tell him you will do then and add the extra cost of boards and labour for dealing with the heavy boards compared to light ones!
yes mate they are heavy. What i would do is get a full building spec from him so you both know where you stand. he must have a spec. If you don't he you both may assume something and that will end up getting messy
Not 100% sure on this due to the fact that it's a flat on the top floor. Fireboard should be used to form a firebreak eg between semi/terraced houses, in flats etc where another living space is above or on commercial properties to seperate offices etc, in particular when they are above.
The last spec I priced, the top floor ceilings were standard board, but all the ceilings below were firecheck.
usually foil back on the top floor but doesnt make any odds they are still 8x4 slightly heavier and more expensive so if he is willing to pay the extra give him what he wants.
I would say if anythin that the ceilings below would need fire resistant boards, but if that's wot his spec is just price it accordingly
the bottom floors need to be fireboard on the ceilings, and also under the stairs to allow time to run the f**k down them before they set on fire!
You need to check on the spec from the building plans.It will tell you there.
Hes most probably right,i recently had to board and attic conversion in fireboard adn walls in soundboard.
Nearly killed me getting those f u ck er s up the stairs
As said just add to the price, and yes they are much heavier. I think they come in 6' by 3' now, which are far more manageable, not just the weight its getting round stairs and through doorways etc
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