what would you use for this job?

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New Member
I have two 8 ft polystyrene roman style columns that are to be marble plastered.
What would you use on the polystyrene as a base to plaster to? The only thing i can think of is plasterers mesh tape,but that only comes in 48mm wide. Can anyone suggest what i can use to make sure the plaster stays on the polysterene ?

Many thanks
errrr. Can you plaster on polystyrene? I'd have thought not. Interested to find out too! :-/
Yes, you can but probably be better of attaching galvanised mesh over surface, best method is with wire , obviously polystyrene has no suction so you will have to apply bonding coat to mesh, then skim.
i'd use a big dollop of 'delegation' and let whoever's gonna do the 'marble' plastering make the decision...
Does sound like a hell of a lot of faffing about for two faux pillers, Very best of luck to you :P
Thanks for the replies everyone, what about using wire cloth? maybe 0.5mm, perhaps that would work without affecting the integrity of the sphere?
Everyones thought appreciated.
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