What would you have done?

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New Member
Went to skim a ceiling after work tonight.
The ceiling has recently been plastered and painted but the quality of finish is very poor hence requiring the re-skim.
Client had painted the freshly plastered ceiling with matt paint without first mist coating.
I applied first coat of pva and when i finger tip tested to check suction the paint stuck to my fingers exposing the plaster.
I was not happy to apply plaster directly to this surface fo fear of the plaster not sticking so I have applied WBA and am going to go back around tomorrow to carry out the plastering.
Would you of done the same or not?
probably not, id guess that your plaster will stick great to the wba, and the wba will stick loverly to the paint..
only trouble is, the paint aint stuck to the plaster..
you might end up in a world of trouble here my friend..
or maybe not... if i was a betting man id say you were in the s**t..
should raise some opinions though this...
when you go back tomorrow try scraping a small patch of the wba if you have a problem it will come away and you will be able to big sheets of it off with the paint attached to it
platinum said:
i'd have started crying and said my shoulder was hurting and best if they called another plasterer ;D

Must remember that the next time someone wants the wall with the boiler pipes on skimming.

Are your it was standard matt ? I've seen this happen with vynil matt but that usually peels rather than coming off clean. Your going to be in a mess if the paint comes of the plaster regardless of what you've put on top of it.
thing is, you might just get away with this.. all depends on whether or not the wba will soak through the paint and bond to the ceiling..
just to help you sleep tonite heres a thing..
my pva tray is a big hoiking great thing andi never wash the bugger out..
every now and then ill stick a trowel under the skin and peel it off..
i also use it for wba.. and still dont wash the bugger out..
last week i'd decided i need some room in my tray for some wet pva, not the dried stuff..
and peeled off a big layer of wba which came off loverly cos it was stuck to the pva underneath..
wheres trowel addict when you need him ;D......id go with what napper says mate if the gypbond wont budge youre in if it does move then theres something seriously wrong, i would have approached the job exactly the same as you but if it goes wrong you may need to explain to the customer that for some freakish consequence it may need to be overboarded .........and charge them
That paint needs to come off, sounds like a silk paint to me that tends to sit on top of the plaster like custard skin as I stupidly found out when I did my bathroom a few months ago ..... DOH !.

Thanks again for the advice chaps.
The paint used was a one coat solid matt.
Anyway tested the WBA with the scraper and it was fine so skimmed away.
First time i have used the WBA and the plaster setting time seemed more consistent if a little slow.
Had no problems with it whatsoever and spoke to customer today who said everything is fine.
I have been wanting to reskim over artex in my living room ceiling(25m) but was a bit daunted about tackling it on my own untill i get my speed up but will give it a go now with the WBA.

Again a really usefull site for somebody like me who is learning on his own.
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