what would you do

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New Member
been asked to do a job for a good friend, which as usual she wants doing on the cheap. its a bathroom that has been hacked off about half way up some of the walls the rest of the old sand and cement is stable. she wants me to re plaster the missing bits then a thin coat on top of all the old as well becaus its textured. but she only wants me to dub out to the minimum i can because the dimensions are tight for getting a bath in. also she doesnt want it skimming just l;eaving rough. then she will tile over everything. subsrate is old brick in parts and the rest snad and cement with a textured finish. what would you guys do in these circumstances?
ask her if you can have some head if you do it cheap.

why dont you put a battern bath hight so you dont have to worry about not being able to get a bath in, i would put sand and cement onto the brick and finish as if you were going to skim it, then tile straight onto the render.
hack the lot off then put tight coat of bonding over walls to tile onto this will solve the width problem and the bath will fit in
she is a pain in the arse. wants it all doing behind the bath so no battern, they have a friend who is a "builder" you want see her extension he did lol. and they just do everything he says. so no battern round the wall and i dont know if she will go for the hack everything else off idea i will have to ask her.
Id do what render says.

If she is a mate then she will trust what your doing is the best way.

You could just skim as normal and get the plumber to chisel away some of the plaster to get the bath in. It doesnt take long to do.
i would hack the lot off,then dib and dob it with m.r plasterboard ,that way no need to skim just tile straight on ;)
thats what i would do but she wont have it wants wet plaster, but because she dont want it skimming just unsure what to use. has anyone tiled over hardwall/ or bonding coat without skim?
craigpalmer18 said:
thats what i would do but she wont have it wants wet plaster, but because she dont want it skimming just unsure what to use. has anyone tiled over hardwall/ or bonding coat without skim?
dont use any bonding or hardwall in wet arers ,jusr render it devel it up nice and flat and plumb ,trust us thats the best way ;) PETER
i'd hardwall the missing bits and give the rest a tightish coat of bonding and rule it off and devil float it
Nisus said:
barryed said:
merlin said:
whats dib dob?

The new way of dot and dab

Yeah but don't forget to use dib & dob adhesive specially formulated for this new application method ;)

Good point otherwise you could have a disaster on your hands the dib's and dob's would all blend together causing a f**k up of major proportion
craig, try and find out exactly where all the bathroom suite is going, then when you are dabbing you can put dabs behind where all the fixings are going ;)
craigpalmer18 said:
been asked to do a job for a good friend, which as usual she wants doing on the cheap. its a bathroom that has been hacked off about half way up some of the walls the rest of the old sand and cement is stable. she wants me to re plaster the missing bits then a thin coat on top of all the old as well becaus its textured. but she only wants me to dub out to the minimum i can because the dimensions are tight for getting a bath in. also she doesnt want it skimming just l;eaving rough. then she will tile over everything. subsrate is old brick in parts and the rest snad and cement with a textured finish. what would you guys do in these circumstances?
sounds like she knows more about plastering than me
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