What type of render is best to learn?

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New Member
Ok, i only ever do the classic sand and cement render?

Im looking to learn a new type of render system? There are quite a few different types.

What is the most commonly used?

What is mostly in demand on the domestic market?

i like the idea of rendering in the prefered colour, saving on decorating.
If you can render in Sand & cement you can do most renders you just need to pick the little tips that that over scraped renders have like k rend etc , in the domestic market mono coloured renders a few and far between unless you live in area where peeps have a few quid ;) that said its worth adding it to your armory still
No thats just exterior skimming no need to learn that . I thought we were talking about rendering , you know wheres theres a degree of skill involved ;D Dont get me its worth learning all aspect s of rendering before im classed narrow minded again ::).
church said:
No thats just exterior skimming no need to learn that . I thought we were talking about rendering , you know wheres theres a degree of skill involved ;D Dont get me its worth learning all aspect s of rendering before im classed narrow minded again ::).

Yeh broaden your horizons, you one trick pony you ::)
I would say the insulated rail system, not many people can do it to a really high standard and it has more variety so you dont get to board that easily
i'm with church on this one. wtf is rail system? too many different ways of doing the same job i reckon.
a rail system is mainly done on concrete frame buildings with metsec infill panels on cement board to create a cavity the rails are fixed and the insulaltion put between them then a bridging mortar is ued with mesh to make it ridgid
Pug said:
i'm with church on this one. wtf is rail system? too many different ways of doing the same job i reckon.

The bulk of my rail work goes over timber framed buildings where it can be easily fixed to the timber and incorperates the vented cavity for the fire regs on these types of building. when the insulation is all fixed via the rails and tracks that hold it in place you just chuck your usual thincoat poly system over it
yeah i just googled it. as plasterers do you do all the prep or just the rendering?
as a plasterer or renderer (i know its one and the same but these days systems are aimed at facade installers etc) i do the wole system, all the prep thats why its difficult to find good lads because trowel men prefer to stay away from the cutting and fixing aspect but we do the whole system as system installers
i keep away from the rail system because the blokes i know install in front of me and we usually ues scissor lifts or mast climbers but ive done stick and fix
its always gonna be a case of having a mix some guys just want the trowel work. as long as you can turn enough out for everyone to keep busy
i think marmorit have the best system thought the alumasc one with the upright bars was crap
i think marmo's fire breaks come sized, usually you just get a wool slab thet you need to cut and rasp, the fibres get everywhere and wreck your wellbeing
i did a job with some scousers years ago all rockwool and they would never use a hawk to apply topcoat
i would say its half and half. the converted spreads use hawks and the render only boys tend to spoon straight to the trowel with a bucket lifter.
who was it? not horrocks
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