What is a ideal height for a plasterer

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Private Member
What is a ideal height to be a plasterer. I would think 6' tall is a good height am 5' 10" offten wish i was a little bit taller.
Depends on height of ceilings. I'm 6'1 and find some ceilings are too low to do off a bench or stilts and a bit of a stretch to do off the floor so I end up stretching and with a sore shoulder and neck
taller the better seen a bloke on site once skimmin ceiling no hop ups no stilts made it look a peace ov piss i was well gelouse im 5" 7" short arse:RpS_laugh:
Ah you're 5' 8'' Steve lucky you as I regard this the perfect height for a plasterer. Unfortunately I'm only 5' 71/2'' and after 29 years of struggleing to reach the floor I addmitted defeat and packed in.
so thats the real reason you've jacked in. if you need a push out with any small but slightly too tall for you cupboards, give us a shout.
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