What happen to spell check ??

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My 12 year old is watching tv ,my 3 year old is busy and my mrs is dealing with both ,now that s all the people i check for spelling :RpS_unsure:
My 12 year old is watching tv ,my 3 year old is busy and my mrs is dealing with both ,now that s all the people i check for spelling :RpS_unsure:

So your 12 year olds watchin a transvestite, your 3 year olds busy? hmmmmmmmmmmmm And your mrs is a dealer........**** me i thought i had problems ;)
Don't worry bout it Keith,its Friday night(silly night), no one will notice or care after a few beers:RpS_laugh:
Ok Bubbles ,i was a bit over the top on that one ,it,s a funny thing ,when i can have someone take the p**s out of me ,and laugh about it ,but my girls ,it,s a no go .i ,m sorry to affend ,if that is spelled right !
Ok Bubbles ,i was a bit over the top on that one ,it,s a funny thing ,when i can have someone take the p**s out of me ,and laugh about it ,but my girls ,it,s a no go .i ,m sorry to affend ,if that is spelled right !

It was a play on words on your first post not an attack on your family, you took it the wrong way, i apologise xxx
Not Funny ............your kids are G** .....see what i mean ..
They might be but ive still got my sense of humour :)
Ok Bubbles ,i was a bit over the top on that one ,it,s a funny thing ,when i can have someone take the p**s out of me ,and laugh about it ,but my girls ,it,s a no go .i ,m sorry to affend ,if that is spelled right !
See wot I mean? Silly night... Just a wee misunderstanding, flynny was playin with words, and keiths stressed with the whole spellchecker thing!!! :-(Sorted now:RpS_thumbup:
beta max, you want some porn ??

fight fight fight fight, ill have a tenna on keithy boy
you can still come mate if you want, well if your lass will let ya that is, you want me to have a word for ya?
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