what do you do ???

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Private Member
For some reason at the moment I am pricing lots of hack off and re render jobs.

I have 2 I am looking at at the walls have a network of old soil pipes etc very close to the wall.
Apart from suggesting they take them off and replace them which they wont do cause they'll loose rental income im stumped.

Any ideas chaps

i would say work round them the best you can , as for the gas pipe be carefull and work round them the best you can and add a bit of time on the job for the fannying around maybe allow for another spread so someone can mess around with the hard to get at bits ??? .
Rich can you spray it on and fire the gear in behind and around the pipes etc and then do a nice cut back and tidy up job on that area? I had prob like this before
plasterjfe said:
Rich can you spray it on and fire the gear in behind and around the pipes etc and then do a nice cut back and tidy up job on that area? I had prob like this before

its aright nightmare mate a real network of pipes
You cant do the job properly with loads of hurdles in the way its as simple as that.

Tell him he has to remove the pipes or it will look shight or you wont do it at all.

Your a plasterer not Harry Potter
nelly said:
You cant do the job properly with loads of hurdles in the way its as simple as that.

Tell him he has to remove the pipes or it will look shight or you wont do it at all.

Your a plasterer not Harry Potter

Agreed walk away from the job, its not worth the risk of customer not paying you as it will look cr@p around the pipework...........unless the customer accepts the additional expense of removing the obsticles (prefferably by a qualified plumber).
thanks for the replies i have told them to remove it if not forget it.

Hacking off another house now .... all the lintels are oak and full of water and soft as shi.t .... ideal lol
least you have a few jobs with a bit of size in them. floating about doing bits at the mo. bathrooms damp proofing. nothing over two or three days at a time. was flat out till up to a couple of weeks ago. digging the three day week though!!!!!!
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