What do i use now?


New Member
Hi newbie here, I've taken a wall back to brick and hardwalled it however life got in the way and wasn't able to put another coat of hardwall on. It needs another few mm to flatten it as there's some low spots and not flat its dry as it been over a week. My problem is what do I use now? Do I soak the wall and put another coat of hardwall on or do I go over it all with bonding? Just worried about suction any help would be appreciated thanks
Give it a good soaking down and use pva and a grit in this case as you haven’t put a key on the wall then put a couple of coats of tight bonding over the wall fill and give that a devil float for extra key then leave it to set then skim it but do it all on the same day you plonker and if that fails then what malc said woodchip it
Give it a good soaking down and use pva and a grit in this case as you haven’t put a key on the wall then put a couple of coats of tight bonding over the wall fill and give that a devil float for extra key then leave it to set then skim it but do it all on the same day you plonker and if that fails then what malc said woodchip it
Bonding over the top of Hardwall eh? Interesting, very interesting.
Give it a good soaking down and use pva and a grit in this case as you haven’t put a key on the wall then put a couple of coats of tight bonding over the wall fill and give that a devil float for extra key then leave it to set then skim it but do it all on the same day you plonker and if that fails then what malc said woodchip it
quite hypocritical calling him a plonker when you've come out with that loada bollox