what can u do

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turned up on job today only for the agent to start hassling me as to when the renders gonna be finished, shoudnt do it this week i say its too cold , well it ll be ok m8 he says we ll cover it up wif hessian, yeah but if it freezes its gonna come back on me i say , no it wont i ll take the blame it needs doin he says .sure he will i think. trouble is i know wot he s like if its not done by fri he ll kick off and get someone else, dunno wot planet some of these guys live on, stil not gonna do it tho , not unless weather turns suddenly , highly unlikely .
no he wont he'll blame you and youll end up poss having to pay for mats and put in youre own labour time......and he'll do it to anyone else there all the same ......youve got it spot on youre the plasterer and if its too cold it's too cold
Tell agents straight, and if they just do it get them to get a statement signed t say that you were told. We were told to 3xscratch and wire when rendering on some heads we asked for an engineers report and got it signed to say it was safe to do so.

Covers your arse

spent practically all day on the ale yesterday because of the weather but if the agent had said that to me id have done it then gone and royally ragged im if it fell off
Get him to sign a document you dont want to lose the work at the minute but you have got to cover yourself i once got shafted by doing something similar with a coloured render and i had told them and told them.
i took a pre render inspection form from parex(this is the render)to the agent today with the weather written on the bottom and asked him to sign it if he wants it done this week, look on his mug was priceless, needless to say we ll see wot weathers like next week!
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