what are my options with this wall?

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New Member
The sand and lime mix left on the wall on the left ia about 1.5inc thick and stuck solid! Top of the window is wooden. Just not too sure how to tackle this and what's best for me and the customer. Thanks
in the reply window - theres an "insert image" button, click it and point it at the file on your pc...
failing that click the button that says "go advanced", and go "manage attachments" and find the file on your pc
aaah cant get it to work , there stored in the attachments but how to i upload them i press up load and they saybrowse for files. any way thanks for the help
Then find where your photo is saved on your PC, to keep things simple create a folder on the desktop by right clicking anywhere on the desktop background (this is the main screen with your "my computer" "recyle bin" etc) and left clicking new and folder. Give it a name such as Photos and youre done. Save all your pics in here and when you wanna add to forum do as follows

Manage Attachments > Upload from Computer > Browse

Depending what Operating System you are using you should now be able to find your photos by going to that location

You can get there by browsing C:\Documents and Settings\"your folder"\desktop\photo
My Computer\C\Documents and Settings\"your folder"\desktop\photo
clicking the "start" button (bottom left of screen windows icon or pressing same icon on bottom left of keyboard) going to "run" or if you have windows 7 the "find search box" and typing \documents and settings\desktop\your name\photo

Failing that there must be instructions on the forum somewhere to adding pics - good luck
or in laymans terms, sign up to photobucket.com. upload your picture onto there. then get the IMG code, including [ IMG ] at the beginning and end. copy and paste it into the reply box and itll show the picture
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