What a weekend

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So this weekend nightmare!

had a dining room to skim, ceiling was being a bitch, first coat went on ok 2nd coat perfect but then when it came to trowel it was dragging all over the place and had to work hard with a lot of water.... look so so I was not too happy with it. The 4 walls went ok infact Craig got a few shocks off the light switch...lol

So today (sunday) had a lounge ceiling to skim and an bathroom ceiling to board and skim and bits of making good.

So went to loung job first scraped back and glued up then off down the road to the bathroom to board all done and then back to the lounge first coat perfect 2nd coat perfcet then F%^K bloody thing is dragging 2 in 2 days whats up, had to work hard to get it back was still not great.

So what the hell is going on I skimmed the bathroom ceiling and ban that went on perfect infact it was sopt on but the loung and dining room was crap!!

Customers nwere over the moon and I explained that if they had any probs to call me and I will sort them out ect but they said it was perfect....HMMM.

So My diagnosis is,

I getting on the ceiling after the 2nd coat 2 late.


I am not geting the 2nd coat on at the right time after the first coat


The wickes bonding agent is a crap batch!

so either way I ma baffled and really dissapointed in my self!

explains why you didn't phone!!!!!
no worries.
We all have bad days mate. Am starting a massive lounge tomorrow. Just PVA and skim walls only but still worried something will go wrong.
S*** happens. move on.

How about 4th then????????
hey danny chill out man!! you took a hell of a lot on there!! in fact too much in my opinion.. keep ur obvious talents within reason... the reason it was draggin or wat i see as liftin the finish off? is because you were in between too much plasterin. the plaster that was draggin was not gettin the right attention at the right time? i think it was too dry for the trowel that u was givin it with not enough water.. but how can u time the amount of work ur talkin abt?? too much!!! ur pushin urself too far bro!!!
danny thats some work to fit in. saying that though it must have been a black weekend for plastering.

i had a bathroom celing to do had a bit of a mare some was to do with not looking at the job before hand, anyway they used to have these lights cut into the celing im sure u have all come across the ones i mean, they had took them out and put in a new central light so first job was to do some path repair.

on cutting out a pice to put in the new pice of board i reilized it was 12mm board the off cuts in my van were 9.5mm bugger >:( lukily i had a bit of bonding in the van also, first mare over with.

i took a mate along with me hes keen to get into a bit of plastering at home, so i asked him if he would pva the celing. i mixed it up for him and he cracked on only problem he almost used the lot in one go.

what i mixed up was enough for two coats consecwently (big word cant spell) it was taking forever to dry.
i needed to get on and worked with it because it hadent dryed (i can only put it down to this) the first coat was pulling in to quickly on me so when trying to flatten out it was dragging >:( all i could do was wet it flatten out as best i could and put on second coat.

all in all the finished job was good and client was happy but it was a weekend for things going wrong :( ;D

Was a pushed weekend, But i did enjoy it, almost.

on site today I was just toshing the time away did a bit of meshing and sbr and thats it...lool

Got jobs to price tonight but I enjoy the amount of money...lol ;)

yeh, when the plaster drags it annoying isn't it!? Ha! I get it once in a while and it puts me in a right stinking mood! I normally find that it only occurs when i'm plastering over artex. Has anyone any ideas of why it happens? My theory is that the bond between the artex, pva and 1st coat of finish slips. I think sometimes where the artexed surfaced can be like a gloss texture its as if the plaster somehow slips slightly with the p.v.a causing it to drag when trowelling. I normally have to get a bit of water on it. It turns out fine in the end but just very frustrating!! >:(
Have you tried wickes bonding agent over artex? works a treat and no slipping like you can get from PVA
Yep thats what I used ... lol

next monday can I drop past that job and have a look? I wont have my van though making a dodgy noise when pulling away.

Can you PM me the address?


No probs mate. Just got my truck back with nice new cab fitted. Only it's not the one I asked for! It's horrid. My lovely Pick-up ruined!! :'(
Yup got your PM very funny...lol

I have an old escort van... beautiful might need something bigger soon but does me for now

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