So this weekend nightmare!
had a dining room to skim, ceiling was being a bitch, first coat went on ok 2nd coat perfect but then when it came to trowel it was dragging all over the place and had to work hard with a lot of water.... look so so I was not too happy with it. The 4 walls went ok infact Craig got a few shocks off the light switch...lol
So today (sunday) had a lounge ceiling to skim and an bathroom ceiling to board and skim and bits of making good.
So went to loung job first scraped back and glued up then off down the road to the bathroom to board all done and then back to the lounge first coat perfect 2nd coat perfcet then F%^K bloody thing is dragging 2 in 2 days whats up, had to work hard to get it back was still not great.
So what the hell is going on I skimmed the bathroom ceiling and ban that went on perfect infact it was sopt on but the loung and dining room was crap!!
Customers nwere over the moon and I explained that if they had any probs to call me and I will sort them out ect but they said it was perfect....HMMM.
So My diagnosis is,
I getting on the ceiling after the 2nd coat 2 late.
I am not geting the 2nd coat on at the right time after the first coat
The wickes bonding agent is a crap batch!
so either way I ma baffled and really dissapointed in my self!
had a dining room to skim, ceiling was being a bitch, first coat went on ok 2nd coat perfect but then when it came to trowel it was dragging all over the place and had to work hard with a lot of water.... look so so I was not too happy with it. The 4 walls went ok infact Craig got a few shocks off the light switch...lol
So today (sunday) had a lounge ceiling to skim and an bathroom ceiling to board and skim and bits of making good.
So went to loung job first scraped back and glued up then off down the road to the bathroom to board all done and then back to the lounge first coat perfect 2nd coat perfcet then F%^K bloody thing is dragging 2 in 2 days whats up, had to work hard to get it back was still not great.
So what the hell is going on I skimmed the bathroom ceiling and ban that went on perfect infact it was sopt on but the loung and dining room was crap!!
Customers nwere over the moon and I explained that if they had any probs to call me and I will sort them out ect but they said it was perfect....HMMM.
So My diagnosis is,
I getting on the ceiling after the 2nd coat 2 late.
I am not geting the 2nd coat on at the right time after the first coat
The wickes bonding agent is a crap batch!
so either way I ma baffled and really dissapointed in my self!