What a day i've had!

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New Member
It's on days like today i wish i'd paid more attention at school! I've been in this game long enough to know that the odd s**t day does occur but mine today started badly and got worse by the hour!To start with i walked into the house and crashed my head off the top of the door frame,the same door frame i've ducked under for the last 5 days(I think this house was built by the smurfs) nearly knocked myself out! Next up i'm laying on the ceiling get that on no problem although its going off quick as the house is a sweat box flatten first coat in and decide to put a small wall on with it scrim down the edges and notice a snot of dry lining adhesive down the edge so knock it off and snap the end of my trowel.If the ceiling hadn't already had one coat i'd have gone home then,But little did i know i wouldn't have been able to coz i'd run the battery down on my van by leaving the hazzards on i found this out at 4 60 miles from home! I can't wait for tommorow I'm tempted to knock the work on the head and just go straight to the pub!
nah mate, good meal tonight, good nights kip, decent breakfast...get in there and nail the job, THEN go down the pub... 8-)
I know mate, got to go back, it owes me too much money! Trouble is the job is miles away and has been a pain in the arse from the start and I still got 8 days before it's finished.
Still, I got a nice little coving job on Saturday, just round the corner!
OK I think I could almost top your day with the day I had yesterday.....

Get to the job.... surprise surprise not really ready, have all but one ceiling in the house to skim, and some of the floor boards are up upstairs.....

So I am walking around upstairs and then crash one of the boards break and I stick my foot through the ceiling downstairs, the only ducking ceiling that I did nt need to skim... so after people laugh saying that its lucky a spread did it ect...

I started bring my tools up this stupid spiral staircase. get to the top and slip my left leg drops down the gap between the staircase and the wall and I drop to my groin and am now wedged after about 5 mins of screaming for help a chippy notices and comes running over,,, took 2 of them to pull me out, Now you would expect a certain amount of piss taking but not one comment I think they realised that I was in aserious amount of pain and that was that.

scraped all my leg and smacked my elbow and scuffed my wrist, HAPPY!!

think we should start callin you demolition danny  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]wot with the light switches, exploding buckets of bonding(ok that was dp but YOU WERE THERE!!), stirring your plaster with the wrong end of the mixer drill, fallin down stairs and falling through not just the ceiling  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]BUT THE FLOOR BOARDS FIRST!!!  :o
Ever thought of takin a video camera to work with you mate??  ::)
Jesus that is some bad luck there mate, I thought i had it bad today as my megamix bloody packed up today so had to revert to the old methods with a stick and plunger, cant be doin too much of that its hard work. The plastering gods were not happy today me thinks.
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