Well hello.

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New Member
Hi fellas, I'm Andy and I'm new. :RpS_blushing:

Daughter got upset today. She likes playing in the garden. Sometimes cats walk through our garden. We don't even own a cat, but i know cats walk through our garden, 'cos I had laid fresh concrete. When I came out the next day there were cat paw prints in my new concrete (FFS).

Anyway, my daughter likes cats - but not dogs. I don't like dogs either, but today a dog jumped over my neighbours wall into our garden. I was off like a shot, gone, straight inside, door shut. My daughter was on the trampoline and didn't quite manage to get to the door in time before it shut. Our door is a bit old and it makes it hard for a small child to open from the outside. No emergency though, the dog didn't even bite her properly.

After we were sure the dog had gone we opened the door and let her in. She'll be fine...
Ok, like I said, I'm new - pretty much totally new - to these boards and to plastering, so I'll get the most important question out of the way first...

...I'm easily confused - is it my mother someones wanting a fiddle with?

Thanks in advance.
right mateys come on here with a funny over the top story about his kid ive made an over the top remark some people will understand especially if youve been on here a while that it is a sick sense of humour andy i apologise mate
Welcome liking your post you could be a spread or not? Or maybe your undercover you could be a rival spark hmm .I've been dying to go undercover on the sparks forum.iwas thinking been sparking for a day or two god it's a piece of piss .just to wind em up welcome pal.
right mateys come on here with a funny over the top story about his kid ive made an over the top remark some people will understand especially if youve been on here a while that it is a sick sense of humour andy i apologise mate
ok nuff said
Welcome liking your post you could be a spread or not? Or maybe your undercover you could be a rival spark hmm .I've been dying to go undercover on the sparks forum.iwas thinking been sparking for a day or two god it's a piece of piss .just to wind em up welcome pal.

Cheers mate. I'm no spread (not yet anyhow:RpS_biggrin:) I've done a bit of diy rendering which I was pleased with, and helped out a couple of plasterer mates with their mix etc.

I've just reached a time in my life where I really want to learn to do something properly. Maybe it's too late (just turned wrong side of 40:RpS_crying:). I looked at a few forums, and figured that this was a good starting point to get advice (and have a bit of a laugh at the same time).

I'm sure I'll bore everyone with the same old newbie questions, so apologies in advance.

Cheers for the welcome. Oh and Spunky - no worries mate.
in my short time here i sussed Spunky is the one who is expected to make quirky / insulting remarks ,fine , you get them on every forum . But some of the things you say to impress the regulars is awful , remember not everyone knows how you think , maybe grow up a bit . I found what you said very very insulting ,even if others diddnt , especially as i have daughters , also the thread where you called someone a w**k*r for no reason ?, think it was aimed at me actually but you never replied to my question . If you dont want new people on the site thats fine , if you do , maybe be a bit more careful what you type . Yes i will fcuk off if thats what everyone wants ? i dont think " you will get used to him " cuts it to be honest
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