weep vents

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Is there a nack to spraying round these stupid small vents or do you just have to grin and bear it the house I'm on is covered in them thanks paul
the job I'm on the gaff wants them all adjusted to a uniform depth!! the considerate brickies just plonk em in all shapes. One job there were clear plastic tubes like a Bic pen which sure enough came flying off the second the rule came off the van
How would the cavity wall breath then I no these vents dnt do much but surley they r there for a reason
any moisture trapped in the cavity is supposed to drip out of them so can't cover them up. shame they can't be drilled in later, much neater.
I agree with you goody even if they were right out lose we could just tap them in when done but no no they have to fill them up so you can't move the f**k**s
If you ever see a weep hole working properly i.e. water gushing out of it youve got more of a problem than they will solve.
When you say you have a problem when water passes through weeps can you explain the job I'm on the now does this and the render is soaking
The roof is on I patched the house up over the summer and painted with sandtex365 I was there today and the paint is all blown I don't no what the hell is going on there must be water behind the render??
me and simps always used to mask them up till we worked for you mate , when we saw you bruttally attacking them with a hammer we thought it was the done thing lol
lol, thats my wifes best mug, ive asked her to get me one of those viking drinkng horns that you fellows have for xmas ggggrrrrrrrrrr ;D
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