Wee Problem

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New Member
Had a small wall to skim, havent really done much skimming but was with another lad whose done a fair bit. Anyway heres the background on it. We had blocked up a door way and boarded it, the rest of the wall was painted plaster. The boss wanted a tight coat of bonding put on then skimmed on top of that. So put a thin coat of bonding on, left it for bout 3 hours then skimmed on top of that. The problem was that bubbles appeared in the top coat. Mainly on side which was already plastered. Ive tried looking on here but couldnt see anything. Oh I did PVA the wall.
So I assume it was either because the bonding hadnt had enough time to set, or that the finish was too thin? Any help would be appreciated. Was the first time ive used bonding so want to know what went wrong before I use it again.
when im using bonding ive started to use an old saw on it before i skim, as your aware when bonding is going off say after about two and a half hrs it has a greesy film on it that clogs up a devil float like fook if you take a saw blade to it at about a 45 degree angle and just make a kind of circular motion it takes off the slime and leaves it flat as a witches tit and ready to skim it may sound a bit odd and its not exactly after two hrs depends on thickness temp and suction obviously. give it a go ladies
it bubbles mate same as h/wall the next day .....just pretend there not there and go home :)
haha hard to pretend when youve got a boss who wont stop bringing it up every 5 minutes. Ok well glad to here its a common problem. Im going to plaster my artex ceiling in my room in the next few weeks, ive had 2 different opinions on how to do it, first is to use bonding then skim it, other is just to scrape of the tips and skim straight on it, what are your preferences? bit nervous after my last encounter with bonding
is he a plasterer or a builder?...if he was a proper spread he wouldnt make a big deal of a few bubbles on a newbies wall
builder, hes a right w**k*r, he got a plasterer who he used to use come in for a job we did the other day an was tellin him how s**t it looks because there was bubbles in it, seen as he pays me labourers money what does he expect. Would like to see him do better
rob121 said:
builder, hes a right W*****, he got a plasterer who he used to use come in for a job we did the other day an was tellin him how S*** it looks because there was bubbles in it, seen as he pays me labourers money what does he expect. Would like to see him do better
well said mate ......we all get them even if you hard trowel them they stil end up looking squashed when painted ....try and cut them off with the edge off youre trowel or rub them on youre third trowel with a really flat trowel...ive been doing i years and still get em ;)
I`ll get hung for this 1 .Instead of devil floating ,sponge float it , it leaves a nice slight key . flattens it nice , and you get no bleed through.Works really well on tight coats of bonding .Just making a noose now .
whats all this about using a devils float on bonding no one ive ever worked with has done this was always taught bonding doesnt need it
put a bit of cement in your water then mix your bonding in it goes off pretty fast then when your skim goes on you won`t get air bubbles other tip is put a bit of newspaper on it causes suction gets rid of the bubbles main thing dont panic comes to it just skim it again not like it`s a big gable end
Napper I bonded out a heavy artex ceiling once and didnt devil float it and skimmed it the next day, a week later all the skimming blistered and when called back it took me about 5 minutes with a floor scraper to get every last bit of multi off.

I always float it now and never have a problem

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