Webber lac

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New Member
Any one ever used webber {lac) light weight adhesive coat over a minerall wool system? the rep said a 6mm coat for this system max and then sends out a 10mm expansion bead that must be used with this system,he then said 10mm will be okay, i,m going to have to coat out to the 10mm bead for an acryllic finish and wondered if any of you guys have much knowledge of this gear, i,m sure some of the talented ones have Cheers ;)
lac is a good product mate you dont wanna be putting it on mineral wool at 10mm tho, get it on as thin as poss , mineral wool is a nightmare it moves around when trowelling it on, best way we found was a thin coat with mesh one day and a second thin coat the next,the expansion joint should be all through the render and insulation to the substrate ,if not its defeating the object!
i found that it takes a great float the same day when i bed the mesh on then lay on the 2nd coat the mineralwool is fixed ridgid so no probs there mate just pissed off with the do it this way then do it that way,i dont think webber make 6mm compression beads so were making a job out of what they do have if that makes sense
if you lay a coat on then get a 6mm notched trowel and run it through the gear then place on mesh just so it holds then next day put another coat on to fill it out it will give a bit more thickness dont fill right out to expansion joint the top will go into it nice
could always use back to back 6mm stops ,but as i said the expansion needs to be in the block work right through to the render!
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