wba or pva

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Doin a bedroom ceiling next week,its had polystyrene tiles on it,they have been removed but its left some adesive there wich has been painted over with matt emulsion,should i wba it or would just a couple of coats of pva be ok ?
i would make sure you get the old glue spots off mate cos they can bleed thrugh if your going to overskim i would defo wba it creates more key than pva and will give you a bit more time the othr option is to overboard
if it was me id simply pva it, I only use bond it or wba in very extreme cases where I know a wall or ceiling is going to give me problems.
I agree with "MADMONK" and if you find it difficuilt to remove all the glue I would go for the overboarding. You will pro get a better finish on new boards anyway.
The room is coved aswell so didnt want to go down the overboarding route,but if you lads rekon the glue could blead through may be the only option....
sharp scraper on the glue.. at the worst use stain block on the glue first then WBA then skim :-) my self id just scrape PVA and skim away any stain i would block out after if there are any..
oasis said:
sharp scraper on the glue.. at the worst use stain block on the glue first then WBA then skim :-) my self id just scrape PVA and skim away any stain i would block out after if there are any..
Hi what do you use as a stain blocker oasis??
those 4" long handled wallpaper scrapers are the mutts nutts...
the blade is reversible, stanley blade sharp on one edge, square on the other and totally rigid... theyll take artex off a ceiling leaving a smooth finish...(hope the punters aren't reading this ;))
there are cheaper versions but at 8 quid the stanley is the better value for quality..
2 clamp screws makes a difference with em cos the blade clamp clogs up and bends (or snaps) eventually with a single screw..
and if the glues off and its matt paint pva saves you another visit...
do 'thomsons' still make the stuff? used to be in every diy shop... i dont usually carry it but its what i tell the punters to go buy when theyve hacked off a picture rail and smacked the nails into the wall...
stops rust stains a treat... wont stop the plaster blowing when the rust expands though..
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