WBA (again)

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WBA or wickes plaster bonding agent...
never used it, always been a big fan of good ol' pva...
so, on this job, got a decent price in, got this artex ceiling to do...easy job with pva but i thought i'd give the old wba a go on recommendation from here......
now i read the tub, says for limited suction....e.g gloss paint...
but some of you swear by it for artex...
anyway, artex is matt emulsion (if its been painted at all, quite modern, sharp stipple...
scraped it then rolled on this pink stuff...
doesnt look to me like its killed any suction at all...never mind all of it...gonna skim it in the morning....it was bone dry by the time i left anyway and felt really really dusty and dry...sort of surface i'd be lookin at givin 2 coats of pva...
is this gonna go pear shaped???
wba does not like suction and it should dry in 2hrs if its dry in 30mins the grit in stuff will not stick and it will go dusty like you say i would give it another coat in the morning and wait for it ,but if you cant do that it might go a little quick but it wont come off ;)
ahh i see, havn't had wba go dusty on me yet. handy to know

it once took me 4 hours to do a small ceilling that id used wba on, because there was no suction

so if i was you id definatly get the paper in the morning
i did have reservations when i read the tub...most artex ceilings are matt finish and suck like nothing else so i usually 2 coat pva, 1st one real wet...
this was average matt, sucked the stuff straight in to the point where it now looks like it could use a real good drink..
doesnt say anything on the tub about it sealing anything, only it provides a key on shiny surfaces..
put a full tub on about 17m2..
you reckon its gonna be ok to just pva it church? or will that react with the wba? or will the first coat now be f'cked and the second coat go the same way? does it actually seal anything or is the stuff just an emulsion of grit??
was hoping this was gonna be the easiest ceiling ever..gotta bad back again... :'(
what colour is the dust segs
dunno mate, just gritty dust like silver sand or something..prolly red?? could more feel it than see it but it was loose as hell or it felt like it...
if i was u i would pva it, like u normally do. like church said sounds like ceiling snached the moisture out of the wba, and didn't give the grit a chance to stick.
stick to good ol pva, wba is a pain to apply and sod waiting 2 hours for it to go dry, i have much better things do with my day, i get the impression that those who use wba use it to try and buy more time for themselves when skimming.
cant really speak for others but i was under the impression that it gave a key on gloss, hence the sand but it was also great for artex cos its supposed to kill all suction then give you the key back, i.e. no more guesswork, on in one coat...
ive done the landings today and thought id give the wba a go on the lounge ceiling just in case it gives me any grief cos my back killin me but also cos im already on site its a good opportunity to coat it before i leave day before then its crack on first thing tomorrow..
impression i get now is its no good on artex ceilings unless theyre silk/gloss painted?? in which case u dont need to kill the suction, more scrape the tops off for a key?
funnily enough or should that be 'ironically' this is the first problem ive had with artex for ages....
thing is, for all i know, although it looks bone dry it could be sealed??...but i do get the impression that it shouldnt have gone the way it did... :-[
It should be fine Segs dont worry , ive never put pva over wba so not to sure about that but because the wba will be tottally dry so  the pva shouldnt do nothing to it chemically, so the choice id yours whether you now use pva in the morning, tbh i wouldnt use wba on artex if there is any suction dont forget aswell when you scrape it off you are opening up and taken the paint off anyway , but artex that has got silk paint on it is a different matter wba will work well on that in fact better than pva, when ive been caught out on suction on artex with wba i give it two coats adout hour apart and thats been fine.If your a betting man id say there will be hardly any suction on your ceiling tommorow ;)
Cant wait for tomorrows instalment, I used WBA on a couple of ceilings and hated the wubbery state the multi went with no suction. When I used it, i left for 24 hours and it dried ok, dont think PVAing over it is a good idea, but i dont know for sure. Good luck. :-?
nice one church, think ill pick another tub up in the morning and roll a bit of water on the ceiling, coat again if need be...have the walls first...board finish yes?
this ceiling is 'p' shaped...hope thats not an omen!! :D
Cant wait for tomorrows instalment, I used WBA on a couple of ceilings and hated the wubbery state the multi went with no suction. When I used it, i left for 24 hours and it dried ok, dont think PVAing over it is a good idea, but i dont know for sure. Good luck. :-?
think your supposed to use boardy for just that reason...rubbery, mind of its own multi...
no need for water mate just a coat wba and give it as long as you can 2-3 hours and board finish will be just perfect if you do get some pimples on the first coat of skim just get it an exra 15 mins before laying it in ;)
nice one church, think ill pick another tub up in the morning and roll a bit of water on the ceiling, coat again if need be...have the walls first...board finish yes?
this ceiling is 'p' shaped...hope thats not an omen!!   :D
WBA appears to defy logic as it dries like sandpaper and it's hard to imagine it not sucking all the water out of multi in seconds flat. BUT....have a little faith O ye of...er...little faith. I've used it on all sorts of backgrounds from mashed up plasterboard to flaky artex and it's never let me down. If you've given the whole ceiling a decent coat then forget the PVA or a second coat of WBA. Just mix up and start laying it on.

I generally leave overnight if poss regardless of what it says on the tub. The only problem I've ever found with WBA is the price compared with PVA. But there are some situations where PVA just doesn't cut it (gloss paint etc). Good luck mate but I'm pretty sure you won't need it  ;)
nice 1 mate, walls 1st it is then..
while im on the suction subject...
big place i did a few weeks back ran out of boardy on the last mix of the last ceiling and topped it up with multi..new board ceiling btw..
bleedin thing hung around for ages...
trowelled up ok though, no silliness..just took 4 hours....
was that just me??? or does multi do something to board finish??
nice one church, think ill pick another tub up in the morning and roll a bit of water on the ceiling, coat again if need be...have the walls first...board finish yes?
this ceiling is 'p' shaped...hope thats not an omen!!   :D
WBA appears to defy logic as it dries like sandpaper and it's hard to imagine it not sucking all the water out of multi in seconds flat. BUT....have a little faith O ye of...er...little faith. I've used it on all sorts of backgrounds from mashed up plasterboard to flaky artex and it's never let me down. If you've given the whole ceiling a decent coat then forget the PVA or a second coat of WBA. Just mix up and start laying it on.

I generally leave overnight if poss regardless of what it says on the tub. The only problem I've ever found with WBA is the price compared with PVA. But there are some situations where PVA just doesn't cut it (gloss paint etc). Good luck mate but I'm pretty sure you won't need it  ;)
not too decent a coat, 1st half seemed t go on ok (got lad to do it) then i had a look at what was left and told him to make it do the whole ceiling...
it really seemed like that sand was coming off...weird stuff...ill proly just do the walls first and scrape a bit on the ceiling to have a look on that set...if it sits ok ill take the 'Leap Of Faith...' :D if not ill give it one more... :-/
Hmmm, I have never had this before strange. you should be fine though.

I have been using a new technique today and it seems to work ok.

We have been PVA'ing walls then letting it go right off and then skimming.... works a treat and the spread has been doing this for 20 years, he doesnt understand why you need to stick a second coat on and skim when its tacky.

I have to say I was impressed and We slung loads on....

we always do the same dan,two coats of pva the day before,then straight on with the finish the next day never had any probs at all ,always done it this way,after about 10 min rub a bit of the finish off the wall and you will notice that the pva underneath has gone sticky again so no need to put another coat of pva on before you start skimming
i'd have a pop at it seggs regardless .........if its anything like gypbond the first coat will feel grindey like sand cement .....i reckon youll be alright mate ;)
thats good stuff that is...albeit a bit weird first time u use it..
i reckon what i experienced yesterday was it not bein quite dry, although it felt and looked it, which was why the sand seemed to come off..
got there this morning, sand all stuck looked ok, felt ok, stuck a wet sponge on it and it didnt suck it straight in...
just had it with board finish...bleedin loverly...as easy as goin on board but better imo...seems to take it off your trowel better, so covering the artex was easy...went off at a perfect pace, didnt hang around too long, just right...and i get the distinct impression it aint ever goin to come off...ever... :D
i'd definately agree with leaving it overnight if poss though...even though it says 2 hours on the tub...
cheers for the advice lads....im a convert :P
if anything it makes plastering seem even more like alchemy to the untrained...bonus ::)
anyone ever used it over old render or old bonding or anything really stupid suction?? i know it doesnt mention it on the tub but has anyone had a go? does it do the same thing??

Glad it went ok... thankfully

I use it on bonding, say when you repair a ceiling I then 'pink' the whole lot. it definiately kills the suction

yeh nice one danny, gonna keep a tub in the van now...
to be honest i wish i'd used it on the bloody walls too...
walls were painted tape and joint...badly, looks like the boards were on backwards too...must have been before they changed the boards...
put 1 coat of pva on just to be on the safe side and it dried patchy as f'ck, some real wet spots, some picked up like lightning..
tell u wot, i bet that stuffs wicked for tiling on fresh plaster...
anyone ever used it over old render or old bonding or anything really stupid suction?? i know it doesnt mention it on the tub but has anyone had a go? does it do the same thing??
Glad it turned out ok mate, I would have had to keep a low profile if it had gone tits up  ;D

I've used it on loads of (very) dodgy backgrounds and regularly use it on areas that haven't had the wallpaper stripped properly etc. It's never let me down once. I wouldn't hesitate to use it on old render or bonding. It definitely forms a seal between the background and whatever you're putting onto it. The plaster just sets naturally. And I agree, it does take it off the trowel very nicely. I tend to drop diddly squat when applying finish to WBA, even going hell for leather on big ceilings.

Like I said before, only down side is the price, but just include it in the quote as you articulately point out to Joe Public just how crappy the background is. Most people don't bat an eyelid. 'Tis true alchemy after all..... ;)
knauf do a version which is exactly the same as wickes bonding agent. but they do it in bigger tubes does anybody know were to buy it from
try this chap mate (Lord & Downing - Tel: 01709 818614 ) do you need it for a quicker drying time?
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