i contacted professional builder about the problems i was having laying on 18mm sand/cement bands with a 4-1 mix with feb on to a 3-1 background with waterproofer in it around windows and doors,the problems i was having was the bands blowing after a few weeks so they told me it was the waterproofer that was the problem as it creates low suction and should never be used in external rendering as the walls should be able to breathe so only use feb in the backing coat but i have to dash the the whole house,they told me to unibond before dashing so do you wet it down and then unibond a day before or unibond on the day so has anybody had any experience doing band work and dashing without waterproofer in the background i now use a 14 sand 3cement 1 lime for bandwork the lime giving better adhesion and also does the grade of sand make a difference,any advice