I was just wondering what you guys do with your waste. If you leave it with the customer fair enough but im interested to know if you take it away where do you go to get rid of it ?? and how easy do you find it to get rid of it??
this is the reason i wont sighn write the van i can take everything to the council tip up the road and it wont cost me a penny its a huge saving over the year
could always design yer garden with it [raised flower beds offcuts p board] [fencing old pallets] [rockery left over skim] finished of with [scarecrow...missis when she comes home and sees me handiwork ;D ]
Yeah I can get rid of plaster easy enough I just launch it into a mates field and it gets ploughed in aslong as its only plaster and no actual rubbish he is sweet...
Plasterboard can be a bitch but I tend to throw it on sites and if I am not on site I have the front ot rock up on to a site and launch in a skip and clear off...lol
I am banned from my local skip cos I got angry with the attendant .... threats of violence did not go well
I cant believe some of you guys are leaving sh1te with the customers! Is that part of a proffessional plastering service? fair do's if your only workin on a cheapo basis say less thasn a ton a day and its agreed with homeowner but i recon most are chargin reasonable enough money to clean up JMO
I got banned from the Cheshunt one a few years ago Prezz, i used to bring a truck in regular then that fat pikey tosser who runs it got monkey with me one day ended up chasing him round the dump with a hammer, cant go there any more.
good work mate, done similar at the enfield one but with a piece of scaffold. c**t told me to get out cos my kangoo van is over 5'9'' but its ok if you have a 4x4 or a kangoo with windows... c**t
what about when your busy booked out every day and have loads of waste? luckly for me a have a bin yard for every1 in my newbuild but no ones uses it so i store all the waste in here! then get rid bag by bag
Whent to the Cheshunt tip this week Prezz as i was told it had changed hands since my altercation, will only let you tip one load of board a month and would not let us tip the kitchen we had ripped out. Whent to Waltham Abbey no probs but i think with these places its whoes on duty at the time.
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