Wall Prep

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New Member
Hi Folks.
Heard Many ideas on surface prep before skim, but want the best way.
What do you prep the walls with for the following -

1. Painted walls? - Wallpaper off, walls are a mess, they want it skimmed.
2. Mixed Patches of paint & old plaster? (as above).
3. Distemper? What the hell do you do with this stuff? And how do you recognise it's actually Distemper?

Have been advised to two coat surfaces with pva mix, then skim.
Others have advised that pva is suction control only, not to be used to bond fresh plaster to a surface, wba etc should be used.
What's the correct way?
while trying not to sound funny... go and have a read of the 'new to plastering section' otherwise known as the faq (its not finished but its a good start point anyway).. especially the bit entitled 'suction control' then come back and revise your post..
Wet your finger and rub over the wall/ceiling in little circles if its distemper it will emulsify ,either scrap and wash off or seal with a water based stabilizer , i use stabilex made by artex.
walls with paint should be scored first. PVA should be skimmed over while its damp otherwise the dry shiny glue surface will give you the same problem as the painted surface. save all the hassle use thistle BOND IT (not bonding) its made for surface prep and key, apply with roller
walls with paint should be scored first. PVA should be skimmed over while its damp otherwise the dry shiny glue surface will give you the same problem as the painted surface. save all the hassle use thistle BOND IT (not bonding) its made for surface prep and key, apply with roller

This is all very well, we've pva'd many a surface the day before to control suction and never had a problem. Especially on the odd job that when its been PVA'd it beads and won't go tacky. Theres nothing worse than having to stand about for ages waiting for PVA to go off! ??? Bond It is great but its 4 times the price of a good PVA. Only use it on shiny surfaces! Not to mention the fact that once it sets its a nightmare to wipe off surfaces and your arm!
in theory if you score the walls and pva it three weeks beforehand youve got a key and controlled the suction...........did anyone watch diy sos when they tried it on the ceiling then the little turkish looking sparky f**k*r tapped the ceiling and the lot came down ;D
just remembered.. was in wickes the other day and i remember people sayin they were findinf it difficult to get hold of artex stabilex...
wickes have got their own version... just called stabilising solution but essentially the same thing... havent had the need for it yet but its there if people want it... chrap enough too by the looks, think it were about 6 quid a tub..
make sure you read the blurb on the tub tho, some stabilising solutions don't fix distemper
yeh i had a quick shufty at the tub, distemper was mentioned...
ill grab a tub next dodgy overskim and give it a blast..
payin for the name innit...
like the old salt neutraliser... anything from 15 quid to 50 quid...
bloody stuff is acetic acid mixed with a 'surfactant' (degreaser)..
used 50/50 malt vinegar and water on a job few weeks back.. no probs..
does anyone know how the stuff work with the distemper/artex etc actually works it cant just seal it
i just think it doesnt react with lime and stuff, soaks in and binds it together, also binds it to the substrate.. which at the end of the day is the cause of the problem with distemper and all loose, friable (word a day calender) surfaces
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