wall paper

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Looked at a job the other day customer wants lounge skimmed, wall-papers been stuck straight onto plasterboard how easy will it come off with a steamer ? Cheers for any replies.
do not use steamer! rip of first layer then use water spray to take the backing paper off.

use a sharp chisel to life the edge of the paper then rip by hand.
i'd look into fixing to the dabs/stud and overboard it mate i reckon itll make a right mess
Yea I was thinking that mate ;D deff nit this one i think specialy when the place is covered with brand new dark blue carpet!! Just asking for blod trouble eh !!
i done a job recently it was same thing but i got the client to take paper off.the boards were mullard so i pva bond skimmed.so if i were you warn them that you might have to do the same
get the client to take the paper off.

Either that or i did a job last year where the client overboarded the wall with 9.5mm screwed over the old plaster with
raw plugs to be far made a nice job of it i just skimmed it.

Said he only did it because he didn't want the mess of hacking off.
tell the owners to scrape it off... or allow a bonding coat over the knackered walls after you have scraped it off as they will be a right mess... bloody dry liners...
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